Source code for uncertainpy.plotting.plot_uncertainty

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import glob
import os

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from .prettyplot import prettyPlot, prettyBar
from .prettyplot import spines_color, get_current_colormap
from .prettyplot import get_colormap_tableu20, set_style, get_colormap, reset_style
from .prettyplot import axis_grey, labelsize, fontsize, titlesize, linewidth

import seaborn as sns
from import Data
from ..utils.logger import setup_module_logger, get_logger

# TODO compare plots in a grid of all plots,
# such as plotting all features in a grid plot
# TODO Change the use of **plot_kwargs to use a dict for specific plotting commands?

[docs]class PlotUncertainty(object): """ Plotting the results from the uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis. Parameters ---------- filename : {None, str}, optional The name of the data file. If given the file is loaded. If None, no file is loaded. Default is None. folder : str, optional The folder where to save the plots. Creates a new folder if it does not exist. Default is "figures/". figureformat : str, optional The format to save the plots in. Given as ".xxx". All formats supported by Matplotlib are available. Default is ".png", logger_level : {"info", "debug", "warning", "error", "critical", None}, optional Set the threshold for the logging level. Logging messages less severe than this level is ignored. If None, no logging to file is performed Default logger level is "info". Attributes ---------- folder : str The folder where to save the plots. figureformat : str, optional The format to save the plots in. Given as ".xxx". All formats supported by Matplotlib are available. data : Data A data object that contains the results from the uncertainty quantification. Contains all model and feature values, as well as all calculated statistical metrics. """ def __init__(self, filename=None, folder="figures/", figureformat=".png", logger_level="info"): self._folder = None self.folder = folder self.figureformat = figureformat self.features_in_combined_plot = 3 = None self._logger_level = logger_level if filename is not None: self.load(filename) setup_module_logger(class_instance=self, level=logger_level)
[docs] def load(self, filename): """ Load data from a HDF5 or Exdir file with name `filename`. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the file to load data from. """ = Data(filename, logger_level=self._logger_level)
@property def folder(self): """ The folder where to save all plots. Parameters ---------- new_folder : str Name of new folder where to save all plots. The folder is created if it does not exist. """ return self._folder @folder.setter def folder(self, new_folder): self._folder = new_folder if new_folder is not None and not os.path.isdir(new_folder): os.makedirs(new_folder)
[docs] def all_evaluations(self, foldername="evaluations"): """ Plot all evaluations for all model and features. Parameters ---------- foldername : str, optional Name of folder where to save all plots. The folder is created if it does not exist. Default folder is named "evaluations". """ for feature in self.evaluations(feature=feature, foldername=foldername)
[docs] def evaluations(self, feature=None, foldername="", **plot_kwargs): """ Plot all evaluations for a specific model/feature. Parameters ---------- feature : {None, str}, optional The name of the model/feature. If None, the name of the model is used. Default is None. foldername : str, optional Name of folder where to save all plots. The folder is created if it does not exist. Default folder is named "featurename_evaluations". **plot_kwargs, optional Matplotlib plotting arguments. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. NotImplementedError If the model/feature have more than 2 dimensions. AttributeError If the dimensions of the evaluations is not valid. """ logger = get_logger(self) if is None: raise ValueError("Datafile must be loaded.") if feature is None: feature = save_folder = os.path.join(self.folder, foldername) if not os.path.isdir(save_folder): os.makedirs(save_folder) dimension = if dimension is None: logger.warning("No evaluations to plot") elif dimension == 0: self.evaluations_0d(feature=feature, foldername=foldername, **plot_kwargs) elif dimension == 1: self.evaluations_1d(feature=feature, foldername=foldername, **plot_kwargs) elif dimension == 2: self.evaluations_2d(feature=feature, foldername=foldername, **plot_kwargs) elif dimension > 2: raise NotImplementedError(">2 dimensional plots not implemented.") else: raise AttributeError("Dimension of evaluations is not valid: dim {}".format(dimension))
[docs] def evaluations_0d(self, feature=None, foldername="", **plot_kwargs): """ Plot all 0D evaluations for a specific model/feature. Parameters ---------- feature : {None, str}, optional The name of the model/feature. If None, the name of the model is used. Default is None. foldername : str, optional Name of folder where to save all plots. The folder is created if it does not exist.Default folder is named "featurename_evaluations". **plot_kwargs, optional Matplotlib plotting arguments. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If the evaluations are not 0 dimensional. """ logger = get_logger(self) if is None: raise ValueError("Datafile must be loaded.") if feature is None: feature = if feature not in or "evaluations" not in[feature]: logger.warning("No {} evaluations to plot.".format(feature)) return if != 0: raise ValueError("{} is not a 0 dimensional feature".format(feature)) save_folder = os.path.join(self.folder, foldername, feature + "_evaluations") if not os.path.isdir(save_folder): os.makedirs(save_folder) prettyPlot([feature].evaluations, xlabel=r"Evaluation #number",[0], title="{}, evaluations".format(feature.replace("_", " ")), new_figure=True, palette="husl", **plot_kwargs) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_folder, "evaluations" + self.figureformat)) plt.close() reset_style()
[docs] def evaluations_1d(self, feature=None, foldername="", **plot_kwargs): """ Plot all 1D evaluations for a specific model/feature. Parameters ---------- feature : {None, str}, optional The name of the model/feature. If None, the name of the model is used. Default is None. foldername : str, optional Name of folder where to save all plots. The folder is created if it does not exist. Default folder is named "featurename_evaluations". **plot_kwargs, optional Matplotlib plotting arguments. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If the evaluations are not 1 dimensional. """ logger = get_logger(self) if is None: raise ValueError("Datafile must be loaded.") if feature is None: feature = if feature not in or "evaluations" not in[feature]: logger.warning("No model evaluations to plot.") return if != 1: raise ValueError("{} is not a 1 dimensional feature".format(feature)) save_folder = os.path.join(self.folder, foldername, feature + "_evaluations") if not os.path.isdir(save_folder): os.makedirs(save_folder) labels = xlabel, ylabel = labels if not if[feature].time is None or np.all(np.isnan([feature].time)): time = np.arange(0, len([feature].evaluations[0])) else: time =[feature].time padding = len(str(len([feature].evaluations) + 1)) for i, evaluation in enumerate([feature].evaluations): if if[feature].time[i] is None or np.all(np.isnan([feature].time[i])): time = np.arange(0, len([feature].evaluations[i])) else: time =[feature].time[i] ax = prettyPlot(time, evaluation, xlabel=xlabel.capitalize(), ylabel=ylabel.capitalize(), title="{}, evaluation {:d}".format(feature.replace("_", " "), i), new_figure=True, palette="husl", **plot_kwargs) ax.set_xlim([min(time), max(time)]) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_folder, "evaluation_{0:0{1}d}".format(i, padding) + self.figureformat)) plt.close() reset_style()
[docs] def evaluations_2d(self, feature=None, foldername="", **plot_kwargs): """ Plot all 2D evaluations for a specific model/feature. Parameters ---------- feature : {None, str}, optional The name of the model/feature. If None, the name of the model is used. Default is None. foldername : str, optional Name of folder where to save all plots. The folder is created if it does not exist. Default folder is named "featurename_evaluations". **plot_kwargs, optional Matplotlib plotting arguments. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If the evaluations are not 2 dimensional. """ logger = get_logger(self) if is None: raise ValueError("Datafile must be loaded.") if feature is None: feature = if feature not in or "evaluations" not in[feature]: logger.warning("No model evaluations to plot.") return if != 2: raise ValueError("{} is not a 2 dimensional feature.".format(feature)) set_style("seaborn-dark") save_folder = os.path.join(self.folder, foldername, feature + "_evaluations") if not os.path.isdir(save_folder): os.makedirs(save_folder) labels = xlabel, ylabel, zlabel = labels if[feature].time is None or np.all(np.isnan([feature].time)): time = np.arange(0, len([feature].evaluations[0])) else: time =[feature].time padding = len(str(len([feature].evaluations) + 1)) for i, evaluation in enumerate([feature].evaluations): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_title("{}, evaluation {:d}".format(feature.replace("_", " "), i)) iax = ax.imshow(evaluation, cmap="viridis", aspect="auto", extent=[time[0], time[-1], 0, evaluation.shape[0]], **plot_kwargs) cbar = fig.colorbar(iax) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel.capitalize()) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel.capitalize()) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_folder, "evaluation_{0:0{1}d}".format(i, padding) + self.figureformat)) plt.close() reset_style()
[docs] def attribute_feature_1d(self, feature=None, attribute="mean", attribute_name="mean", hardcopy=True, show=False, **plot_kwargs): """ Plot a 1 dimensional attribute for a specific model/feature. Parameters ---------- feature : {None, str}, optional The name of the model/feature. If None, the name of the model is used. Default is None. attribute : {"mean", "variance"}, optional Attribute to plot, either the mean or variance. Default is "mean". attribute_name : str Name of the attribute, used as title and name of the plot. Default is "mean". hardcopy : bool, optional If the plot should be saved to file. Default is True. show : bool, optional If the plot should be shown on screen. Default is False. **plot_kwargs, optional Matplotlib plotting arguments. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If the model/feature is not 1 dimensional. ValueError If the attribute is not a supported attribute, either "mean" or "variance". """ logger = get_logger(self) if is None: raise ValueError("Datafile must be loaded.") if feature is None: feature = if != 1: raise ValueError("{} is not a 1 dimensional feature".format(feature)) if attribute not in ["mean", "variance"]: raise ValueError("{} is not a supported attribute".format(attribute)) if attribute not in[feature]: msg = " Unable to plot {attribute_name}. {attribute_name} of {feature} does not exist." logger.warning(msg.format(attribute_name=attribute, feature=feature)) return if[feature].time is None or np.all(np.isnan([feature].time)): time = np.arange(0, len([feature][attribute])) else: time =[feature].time labels = xlabel, ylabel = labels title = feature + ", " + attribute_name ax = prettyPlot(time,[feature][attribute], title.replace("_", " "), xlabel.capitalize(), ylabel.capitalize(), nr_colors=3, palette="husl", **plot_kwargs) ax.set_xlim([min(time), max(time)]) save_name = feature + "_" + attribute_name plt.tight_layout() if hardcopy: plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.folder, save_name + self.figureformat)) if show: else: plt.close() reset_style()
[docs] def attribute_feature_2d(self, feature=None, attribute="mean", attribute_name="mean", hardcopy=True, show=False, **plot_kwargs): """ Plot a 2 dimensional attribute for a specific model/feature. Parameters ---------- feature : {None, str}, optional The name of the model/feature. If None, the name of the model is used. Default is None. attribute : {"mean", "variance"}, optional Attribute to plot, either the mean or variance. Default is "mean". attribute_name : str Name of the attribute, used as title and name of the plot. Default is "mean". hardcopy : bool, optional If the plot should be saved to file. Default is True. show : bool, optional If the plot should be shown on screen. Default is False. **plot_kwargs, optional Matplotlib plotting arguments. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If the model/feature is not 2 dimensional. ValueError If the attribute is not a supported attribute, either "mean" or "variance". """ logger = get_logger(self) if is None: raise ValueError("Datafile must be loaded.") if feature is None: feature = if != 2: raise ValueError("{} is not a 2D feature".format(feature)) if attribute not in ["mean", "variance"]: raise ValueError("{} is not a supported attribute".format(attribute)) if attribute not in[feature]: msg = " Unable to plot {attribute_name}. {attribute_name} of {feature} does not exist." logger.warning(msg.format(attribute_name=attribute, feature=feature)) return if[feature].time is None or np.all(np.isnan([feature].time)): extent = None else: extent=[[feature].time[0],[feature].time[-1], 0,[feature][attribute].shape[0]] title = feature + ", " + attribute_name labels = xlabel, ylabel, zlabel = labels set_style("seaborn-dark") fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_title(title.replace("_", " ")) iax = ax.imshow([feature][attribute], cmap="viridis", aspect="auto", extent=extent, **plot_kwargs) cbar = fig.colorbar(iax) # ax.set_xlabel(xlabel.capitalize(), fontsize=labelsize) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel.capitalize(), fontsize=labelsize) save_name = feature + "_" + attribute_name plt.tight_layout() if hardcopy: plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.folder, save_name + self.figureformat)) if show: else: plt.close() reset_style()
[docs] def mean_1d(self, feature, hardcopy=True, show=False, **plot_kwargs): """ Plot the mean for a specific 1 dimensional model/feature. Parameters ---------- feature : str The name of the model/feature. hardcopy : bool, optional If the plot should be saved to file. Default is True. show : bool, optional If the plot should be shown on screen. Default is False. **plot_kwargs, optional Matplotlib plotting arguments. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If the model/feature is not 1 dimensional. """ self.attribute_feature_1d(feature, attribute="mean", attribute_name="mean", hardcopy=hardcopy, show=show, color=0, **plot_kwargs)
[docs] def variance_1d(self, feature, hardcopy=True, show=False, **plot_kwargs): """ Plot the variance for a specific 1 dimensional model/feature. Parameters ---------- feature : str The name of the model/feature. hardcopy : bool, optional If the plot should be saved to file. Default is True. show : bool, optional If the plot should be shown on screen. Default is False. **plot_kwargs, optional Matplotlib plotting arguments. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If the model/feature is not 1 dimensional. """ self.attribute_feature_1d(feature, attribute="variance", attribute_name="variance", hardcopy=hardcopy, show=show, color=2, **plot_kwargs)
[docs] def mean_2d(self, feature, hardcopy=True, show=False, **plot_kwargs): """ Plot the mean for a specific 2 dimensional model/feature. Parameters ---------- feature : str The name of the model/feature. hardcopy : bool, optional If the plot should be saved to file. Default is True. show : bool, optional If the plot should be shown on screen. Default is False. **plot_kwargs, optional Matplotlib plotting arguments. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If the model/feature is not 2 dimensional. """ self.attribute_feature_2d(feature, attribute="mean", attribute_name="mean", hardcopy=hardcopy, show=show, **plot_kwargs)
[docs] def variance_2d(self, feature, hardcopy=True, show=False, **plot_kwargs): """ Plot the variance for a specific 2 dimensional model/feature. Parameters ---------- feature : str The name of the model/feature. hardcopy : bool, optional If the plot should be saved to file. Default is True. show : bool, optional If the plot should be shown on screen. Default is False. **plot_kwargs, optional Matplotlib plotting arguments. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If the model/feature is not 2 dimensional. """ self.attribute_feature_2d(feature, attribute="variance", attribute_name="variance", hardcopy=hardcopy, show=show, **plot_kwargs)
[docs] def mean_variance_1d(self, feature=None, new_figure=True, hardcopy=True, show=False, **plot_kwargs): """ Plot the mean and variance for a specific 1 dimensional model/feature. Parameters ---------- feature : {None, str}, optional The name of the model/feature. If None, the name of the model is used. Default is None. hardcopy : bool, optional If the plot should be saved to file. Default is True. show : bool, optional If the plot should be shown on screen. Default is False. **plot_kwargs, optional Matplotlib plotting arguments. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If the model/feature is not 1 dimensional. """ logger = get_logger(self) if is None: raise ValueError("Datafile must be loaded.") if feature is None: feature = if != 1: raise ValueError("{} is not a 1D feature".format(feature)) if "mean" not in[feature] or "variance" not in[feature]: msg = "Mean and/or variance of {feature} does not exist. ".format(feature=feature) \ + "Unable to plot mean and variance" logger.warning(msg) return if[feature].time is None or np.all(np.isnan([feature].time)): time = np.arange(0, len([feature].mean)) else: time =[feature].time labels = xlabel, ylabel = labels style="seaborn-white" title = feature + ", mean and variance" ax = prettyPlot(time,[feature].mean, title.replace("_", " "), xlabel.capitalize(), ylabel.capitalize() + ", mean", style=style, nr_colors=3, palette="husl", **plot_kwargs) colors = get_current_colormap() ax2 = ax.twinx() color = 0 color_2 = 2 spines_color(ax2, edges={"top": "None", "bottom": "None", "right": colors[color_2], "left": "None"}) ax2.tick_params(axis="y", which="both", right=False, left=False, labelright=True, color=colors[color_2], labelcolor=colors[color_2], labelsize=labelsize) ax2.set_ylabel(ylabel.capitalize() + r"$^2$, variance", color=colors[color_2], fontsize=labelsize) # ax2.set_ylim([min([feature]), max([feature])]) ax2.plot(time,[feature].variance, color=colors[color_2], linewidth=linewidth, antialiased=True) ax2.yaxis.offsetText.set_fontsize(fontsize) ax2.yaxis.offsetText.set_color(colors[color_2]) ax2.spines["right"].set_visible(True) ax2.spines["right"].set_edgecolor(colors[color_2]) ax.tick_params(axis="y", color=colors[color], labelcolor=colors[color]) ax.spines["left"].set_edgecolor(colors[color]) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel + ", mean", color=colors[color], fontsize=labelsize) ax2.set_xlim([min(time), max(time)]) ax.set_xlim([min(time), max(time)]) plt.tight_layout() if hardcopy: plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.folder, feature + "_mean-variance" + self.figureformat)) if show: else: plt.close() reset_style()
# # if not show or not hardcopy: # return ax, ax2
[docs] def prediction_interval_1d(self, feature=None, hardcopy=True, show=False, **plot_kwargs): """ Plot the prediction interval for a specific 1 dimensional model/feature. Parameters ---------- feature : {None, str}, optional The name of the model/feature. If None, the name of the model is used. Default is None. hardcopy : bool, optional If the plot should be saved to file. Default is True. show : bool, optional If the plot should be shown on screen. Default is False. **plot_kwargs, optional Matplotlib plotting arguments. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If the model/feature is not 1 dimensional. """ logger = get_logger(self) if is None: raise ValueError("Datafile must be loaded.") if feature is None: feature = if != 1: raise ValueError("{} is not a 1D feature".format(feature)) if "mean" not in[feature] \ or "percentile_5" not in[feature] \ or "percentile_95" not in[feature]: msg = "E, percentile_5 and/or percentile_95 of {feature} does not exist. Unable to plot prediction interval" logger.warning(msg.format(feature=feature)) return if[feature].time is None or np.all(np.isnan([feature].time)): time = np.arange(0, len([feature].mean)) else: time =[feature].time labels = xlabel, ylabel = labels title = feature.replace("_", " ") + ", 90% prediction interval" ax = prettyPlot(time,[feature].mean, title=title, xlabel=xlabel.capitalize(), ylabel=ylabel.capitalize(), color=0, nr_colors=3, palette="husl", **plot_kwargs) colors = get_current_colormap() ax.fill_between(time,[feature].percentile_5,[feature].percentile_95, alpha=0.5, color=colors[0], linewidth=0) ax.set_xlim([min(time), max(time)]) plt.legend(["Mean", "90% prediction interval"], loc="best") plt.tight_layout() if hardcopy: plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.folder, feature + "_prediction-interval" + self.figureformat)) if show: else: plt.close() reset_style()
[docs] def sensitivity_1d(self, feature=None, sensitivity="first", hardcopy=True, show=False, **plot_kwargs): """ Plot the sensitivity for a specific 1 dimensional model/feature. The Sensitivity for each parameter is plotted in sepearate figures. Parameters ---------- feature : {None, str}, optional The name of the model/feature. If None, the name of the model is used. Default is None. sensitivity : {"sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total"}, optional Which Sobol indices to plot. "sobol_first" and "first" is the first order Sobol indices, while "sobol_total" and "total" are the total order Sobol indices. Default is "first". hardcopy : bool, optional If the plot should be saved to file. Default is True. show : bool, optional If the plot should be shown on screen. Default is False. **plot_kwargs, optional Matplotlib plotting arguments. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If the model/feature is not 1 dimensional. ValueError If sensitivity is not one of "sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", or "total". """ logger = get_logger(self) if sensitivity not in ["sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total"]: raise ValueError("Sensitivity must be either: sobol_first, first, sobol_total, total, not {}".format(sensitivity)) sensitivity, title = self.convert_sensitivity(sensitivity) if is None: raise ValueError("Datafile must be loaded.") if feature is None: feature = if != 1: raise ValueError("{} is not a 1D feature".format(feature)) if sensitivity not in[feature]: msg = "{sensitivity} of {feature} does not exist. Unable to plot {sensitivity}" logger.warning(msg.format(sensitivity=sensitivity, feature=feature)) return if[feature].time is None or np.all(np.isnan([feature].time)): time = np.arange(0, len([feature][sensitivity][0])) else: time =[feature].time labels = xlabel, ylabel = labels for i in range(len([feature][sensitivity])): ax = prettyPlot(time,[feature][sensitivity][i], title=title.capitalize() + ", " + feature.replace("_", " ") + " - " +[i], xlabel=xlabel.capitalize(), ylabel=title.capitalize(), color=i, palette="husl", nr_colors=len(, **plot_kwargs) # plt.ylim([0, 1.05]) ax.set_xlim([min(time), max(time)]) plt.tight_layout() if hardcopy: plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.folder, feature + "_" + sensitivity + "_" +[i] + self.figureformat)) if show: else: plt.close() reset_style()
[docs] def sensitivity_1d_grid(self, feature=None, sensitivity="first", hardcopy=True, show=False, **plot_kwargs): """ Plot the sensitivity for a specific 1 dimensional model/feature. The Sensitivity for each parameter is plotted in the same figure, but separate plots. Parameters ---------- feature : {None, str}, optional The name of the model/feature. If None, the name of the model is used. Default is None. sensitivity : {"sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total"}, optional Which Sobol indices to plot. "sobol_first" and "first" is the first order Sobol indices, while "sobol_total" and "total" are the total order Sobol indices. Default is "first". hardcopy : bool, optional If the plot should be saved to file. Default is True. show : bool, optional If the plot should be shown on screen. Default is False. **plot_kwargs, optional Matplotlib plotting arguments. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If the model/feature is not 1 dimensional. ValueError If sensitivity is not one of "sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", or "total". """ logger = get_logger(self) if sensitivity not in ["sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total"]: raise ValueError("Sensitivity must be either: sobol_first, first, sobol_total, total, not {}".format(sensitivity)) sensitivity, title = self.convert_sensitivity(sensitivity) if is None: raise ValueError("Datafile must be loaded.") if feature is None: feature = if != 1: raise ValueError("{} is not a 1D feature".format(feature)) if sensitivity not in[feature]: msg = "{sensitivity} of {feature} does not exist. Unable to plot {sensitivity}" logger.warning(msg.format(sensitivity=sensitivity, feature=feature)) return if[feature].time is None or np.all(np.isnan([feature].time)): time = np.arange(0, len([feature][sensitivity][0])) else: time =[feature].time parameter_names = # get size of the grid in x and y directions nr_plots = len(parameter_names) grid_size = np.ceil(np.sqrt(nr_plots)) grid_x_size = int(grid_size) grid_y_size = int(np.ceil(nr_plots/float(grid_x_size))) set_style("seaborn-darkgrid") fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=grid_y_size, ncols=grid_x_size, squeeze=False, sharex="col", sharey="row") labels = xlabel, ylabel = labels # Add a larger subplot to use to set a common xlabel and ylabel set_style("seaborn-white") ax = fig.add_subplot(111, zorder=-10) spines_color(ax, edges={"top": "None", "bottom": "None", "right": "None", "left": "None"}) ax.tick_params(labelcolor="w", top=False, bottom=False, left=False, right=False) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel.capitalize(), labelpad=8) ax.set_ylabel(title.capitalize()) for i in range(0, grid_x_size*grid_y_size): nx = i % grid_x_size ny = int(np.floor(i/float(grid_x_size))) ax = axes[ny][nx] if i < nr_plots: prettyPlot(time,[feature][sensitivity][i], title=parameter_names[i], color=i, nr_colors=nr_plots, ax=ax, palette="husl", **plot_kwargs) # for tick in ax.get_xticklabels(): # tick.set_rotation(-30) ax.set_ylim([0, 1.05]) ax.set_xlim([min(time), max(time)]) # ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels, fontsize=labelsize, rotation=0) ax.tick_params(labelsize=10) else: ax.set_axis_off() title = title.capitalize() + ", " + feature.replace("_", " ") plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=titlesize) plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) if hardcopy: plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.folder, feature + "_" + sensitivity + "_grid" + self.figureformat)) if show: else: plt.close() reset_style()
[docs] def sensitivity_1d_combined(self, feature=None, sensitivity="first", hardcopy=True, show=False, **plot_kwargs): """ Plot the sensitivity for a specific 1 dimensional model/feature. The Sensitivity for each parameter is plotted in the same plot. Parameters ---------- feature : {None, str}, optional The name of the model/feature. If None, the name of the model is used. Default is None. sensitivity : {"sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total"}, optional Which Sobol indices to plot. "sobol_first" and "first" is the first order Sobol indices, while "sobol_total" and "total" are the total order Sobol indices. Default is "first". hardcopy : bool, optional If the plot should be saved to file. Default is True. show : bool, optional If the plot should be shown on screen. Default is False. **plot_kwargs, optional Matplotlib plotting arguments. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If the model/feature is not 1 dimensional. ValueError If sensitivity is not one of "sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", or "total". """ logger = get_logger(self) if sensitivity not in ["sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total"]: raise ValueError("Sensitivity must be either: sobol_first, first, sobol_total, total, not {}".format(sensitivity)) sensitivity, title = self.convert_sensitivity(sensitivity) if is None: raise ValueError("Datafile must be loaded.") if feature is None: feature = if != 1: raise ValueError("{} is not a 1D feature".format(feature)) if sensitivity not in[feature]: msg = "{sensitivity} of {feature} does not exist. Unable to plot {sensitivity}" logger.warning(msg.format(sensitivity=sensitivity, feature=feature)) return if[feature].time is None or np.all(np.isnan([feature].time)): time = np.arange(0, len([feature][sensitivity][0])) else: time =[feature].time labels = xlabel, ylabel = labels for i in range(len([feature][sensitivity])): prettyPlot(time,[feature][sensitivity][i], title=title.capitalize() + ", " + feature.replace("_", " "), xlabel=xlabel.capitalize(), ylabel=title.capitalize(), new_figure=False, color=i, palette="husl", nr_colors=len(,[i], **plot_kwargs) plt.ylim([0, 1.05]) plt.xlim([min(time), max(time)]) if len([feature][sensitivity]) > 4: plt.xlim([time[0], 1.3*time[-1]]) plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() if hardcopy: plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.folder, feature + "_" + sensitivity + self.figureformat)) if show: else: plt.close() reset_style()
[docs] def features_1d(self, sensitivity="first"): """ Plot all data for all 1 dimensional model/features. For each model/feature plots ``mean_1d``, ``variance_1d``, ``mean_variance_1d``, and ``prediction_interval_1d``. If sensitivity also plot ``sensitivity_1d``, ``sensitivity_1d_combined``, and ``sensitivity_1d_grid``. Parameters ---------- sensitivity : {"sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total", None}, optional Which Sobol indices to plot. "sobol_first" and "first" is the first order Sobol indices, while "sobol_total" and "total" are the total order Sobol indices. If None, no sensitivity is plotted. Default is "first". Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If the model/feature is not 1 dimensional. ValueError If sensitivity is not one of "sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total" or None. See also -------- uncertainpy.plotting.PlotUncertainty.mean_1d uncertainpy.plotting.PlotUncertainty.variance_1d uncertainpy.plotting.PlotUncertainty.mean_variance_1d uncertainpy.plotting.PlotUncertainty.prediction_interval_1d uncertainpy.plotting.PlotUncertainty.sensitivity_1d uncertainpy.plotting.PlotUncertainty.sensitivity_1d_combined uncertainpy.plotting.PlotUncertainty.sensitivity_1d_grid """ if is None: raise ValueError("Datafile must be loaded.") if sensitivity not in ["sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total", None]: raise ValueError("Sensitivity must be either: sobol_first, first, sobol_total, total or None, not {}".format(sensitivity)) sensitivity, label = self.convert_sensitivity(sensitivity) for feature in if == 1: self.mean_1d(feature=feature) self.variance_1d(feature=feature) self.mean_variance_1d(feature=feature) self.prediction_interval_1d(feature=feature) if sensitivity in[feature]: self.sensitivity_1d(feature=feature, sensitivity=sensitivity) self.sensitivity_1d_combined(feature=feature, sensitivity=sensitivity) self.sensitivity_1d_grid(feature=feature, sensitivity=sensitivity)
[docs] def convert_sensitivity(self, sensitivity): """ Convert a sensitivity str to the correct sensitivity attribute, and a full name. Parameters ---------- sensitivity : {"sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total", None}, optional Which Sobol indices to plot. "sobol_first" and "first" is the first order Sobol indices, while "sobol_total" and "total" are the total order Sobol indices. Returns ------- sensitivity : str Name of the sensitivity attribute. Either sobol_first", "sobol_total", or the unchanged input. full_text : str Complete name of the sensitivity. Either "", or "first order Sobol indices" or "total order Sobol indices". """ if sensitivity == "first": sensitivity = "sobol_first" elif sensitivity == "total": sensitivity = "sobol_total" full_text = "" if sensitivity == "sobol_first": full_text = "first order Sobol indices" elif sensitivity == "sobol_total": full_text = "total order Sobol indices" return sensitivity, full_text
[docs] def features_2d(self): """ Plot all implemented plots for all 2 dimensional model/features. For each model/feature plots ``mean_2d``, and ``variance_2d``. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. """ if is None: raise ValueError("Datafile must be loaded.") for feature in if == 2: self.mean_2d(feature=feature) self.variance_2d(feature=feature)
# TODO not finished, missing correct label placement # TODO test that plotting with no sensitivity works
[docs] def feature_0d(self, feature, sensitivity="first", hardcopy=True, show=False, max_legend_size=5): """ Plot all attributes (mean, variance, p_05, p_95 and sensitivity of it exists) for a 0 dimensional model/feature. Parameters ---------- feature : {None, str}, optional The name of the model/feature. If None, the name of the model is used. Default is None. sensitivity : {"sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total", None}, optional Which Sobol indices to plot. "sobol_first" and "first" is the first order Sobol indices, while "sobol_total" and "total" are the total order Sobol indices. If None, no sensitivity is plotted. Default is "first". hardcopy : bool, optional If the plot should be saved to file. Default is True. show : bool, optional If the plot should be shown on screen. Default is False. max_legend_size : int, optional The max number of legends in a row. Default is 5. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If the model/feature is not 0 dimensional. ValueError If sensitivity is not one of "sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total" or None. """ logger = get_logger(self) if sensitivity not in ["sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total", None]: raise ValueError("Sensitivity must be either: sobol_first, first, sobol_total, total or None, not {}".format(sensitivity)) sensitivity, label = self.convert_sensitivity(sensitivity) if is None: raise ValueError("Datafile must be loaded.") if != 0: raise ValueError("{} is not a 0D feature".format(feature)) for data_type in ["mean", "variance", "percentile_5", "percentile_95"]: if data_type not in[feature]: msg = "{data_type} for {feature} does not exist. Unable to plot." logger.warning(msg.format(data_type=data_type,feature=feature)) return if len( > max_legend_size: legend_size = max_legend_size else: legend_size = len( legend_width = np.ceil(len( width = 0.2 distance = 0.5 xlabels = ["Mean", "Variance", "$P_5$", "$P_{95}$"] xticks = [0, width, distance + width, distance + 2*width] values = [[feature].mean,[feature].variance,[feature].percentile_5,[feature].percentile_95] ylabel =[0] ax = prettyBar(values, index=xticks, xlabels=xlabels, ylabel=ylabel.capitalize(), palette="Paired", style="seaborn-white") if sensitivity in[feature]: pos = 2*distance + 2*width ax2 = ax.twinx() spines_color(ax2, edges={"top": "None", "bottom": "None", "right": axis_grey, "left": "None"}) ax2.tick_params(axis="y", which="both", right=True, left=False, labelright=True, color=axis_grey, labelcolor="black", labelsize=labelsize) ax2.set_ylabel(label.capitalize(), fontsize=labelsize) ax2.set_ylim([0, 1.05]) ax2.spines["right"].set_visible(True) ax2.spines["right"].set_edgecolor(axis_grey) i = 0 legend_bars = [] colors = get_colormap(palette="husl", nr_colors=len( for parameter in l =,[feature][sensitivity][i], width=width, align="center", color=colors[i], linewidth=0) legend_bars.append(l) i += 1 pos += width xticks.append(pos - (i/2. + 0.5)*width) xlabels.append(sensitivity.split("_")[0] + " " + sensitivity.split("_")[1]) location = (0.5, 1.01 + legend_width*0.095) plt.legend(legend_bars,, loc="upper center", bbox_to_anchor=location, ncol=legend_size) # lgd.get_frame().set_edgecolor(axis_grey) fig = plt.gcf() fig.subplots_adjust(top=(0.91 - legend_width*0.053)) ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels, fontsize=labelsize, rotation=0) if len( > 3: for tick in ax.get_xticklabels()[:2]: tick.set_rotation(-25) plt.suptitle(feature.replace("_", " "), fontsize=titlesize) if sensitivity is None or sensitivity not in[feature]: plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.93) if sensitivity is None: save_name = feature + self.figureformat else: save_name = feature + "_" + sensitivity + self.figureformat if hardcopy: plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.folder, save_name)) if show: else: plt.close() reset_style()
# return ax
[docs] def average_sensitivity(self, feature, sensitivity="first", hardcopy=True, show=False): """ Plot the average of the sensitivity for a specific model/feature. Parameters ---------- feature : {None, str} The name of the model/feature. If None, the name of the model is used. Default is None. sensitivity : {"sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total"}, optional Which Sobol indices to plot. "sobol_first" and "first" is the first order Sobol indices, while "sobol_total" and "total" are the total order Sobol indices. Default is "first". hardcopy : bool, optional If the plot should be saved to file. Default is True. show : bool, optional If the plot should be shown on screen. Default is False. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If sensitivity is not one of "sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", or "total". ValueError If feature does not exist. """ logger = get_logger(self) if sensitivity not in ["sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total"]: raise ValueError("Sensitivity must be either: sobol_first, first, sobol_total, total, not {}".format(sensitivity)) sensitivity, title = self.convert_sensitivity(sensitivity) if is None: raise ValueError("Datafile must be loaded.") if feature not in raise ValueError("{} is not a feature".format(feature)) if sensitivity + "_average" not in[feature]: msg = "{sensitivity}_average of {feature} does not exist. Unable to plot {sensitivity}_average." logger.warning(msg.format(sensitivity=sensitivity, feature=feature)) return width = 0.2 index = np.arange(1, len(*width prettyBar([feature][sensitivity + "_average"], title="Average of " + title + ", " + feature.replace("_", " "),, ylabel="Average of " + title, nr_colors=len(, palette="husl", index=index, style="seaborn-darkgrid") plt.ylim([0, 1]) save_name = feature + "_" + sensitivity + "_average" + self.figureformat plt.tight_layout() if hardcopy: plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.folder, save_name)) if show: else: plt.close() reset_style()
[docs] def average_sensitivity_all(self, sensitivity="first", hardcopy=True, show=False): """ Plot the average of the sensitivity for all model/features. Parameters ---------- sensitivity : {"sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total"}, optional Which Sobol indices to plot. "sobol_first" and "first" is the first order Sobol indices, while "sobol_total" and "total" are the total order Sobol indices. Default is "first". hardcopy : bool, optional If the plot should be saved to file. Default is True. show : bool, optional If the plot should be shown on screen. Default is False. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If sensitivity is not one of "sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", or "total". """ if is None: raise ValueError("Datafile must be loaded.") if sensitivity not in ["sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total"]: raise ValueError("Sensitivity must be either: sobol_first, first, sobol_total, total, not {}".format(sensitivity)) sensitivity, title = self.convert_sensitivity(sensitivity) for feature in if sensitivity + "_average" in[feature]: self.average_sensitivity(feature=feature, sensitivity=sensitivity, hardcopy=hardcopy, show=show)
[docs] def features_0d(self, sensitivity="first", hardcopy=True, show=False): """ Plot the results for all 0 dimensional model/features. Parameters ---------- sensitivity : {"sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total"}, optional Which Sobol indices to plot. "sobol_first" and "first" is the first order Sobol indices, while "sobol_total" and "total" are the total order Sobol indices. Default is "first". hardcopy : bool, optional If the plot should be saved to file. Default is True. show : bool, optional If the plot should be shown on screen. Default is False. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If sensitivity is not one of "sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", or "total". """ if is None: raise ValueError("Datafile must be loaded.") for feature in if == 0: self.feature_0d(feature, sensitivity=sensitivity, hardcopy=hardcopy, show=show)
# # TODO Not Tested # def plot_folder(self, data_dir): #"Plotting all data in folder") # for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, "*")): # self.load(f.split(os.path.sep)[-1]) # self.plot_all() # def plot_allNoSensitivity(self, sensitivity="first"): # if is None: # raise ValueError("Datafile must be loaded.") # # # self.features_1d(sensitivity=sensitivity) # self.features_0d(sensitivity=sensitivity)
[docs] def plot_all(self, sensitivity="first"): """ Plot the results for all model/features, with the chosen sensitivity. Parameters ---------- sensitivity : {"sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total", None}, optional Which Sobol indices to plot. "sobol_first" and "first" is the first order Sobol indices, while "sobol_total" and "total" are the total order Sobol indices. If None, no sensitivity is plotted. Default is "first". Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If sensitivity is not one of "sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total", or None. """ if is None: raise ValueError("Datafile must be loaded.") self.features_2d() self.features_1d(sensitivity=sensitivity) self.features_0d(sensitivity=sensitivity) if sensitivity is not None: self.average_sensitivity_all(sensitivity=sensitivity) self.average_sensitivity_grid(sensitivity=sensitivity)
# TODO find a more descriptive name
[docs] def plot_all_sensitivities(self): """ Plot the results for all model/features, with all sensitivities. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. """ if is None: raise ValueError("Datafile must be loaded.") self.plot_all(sensitivity="first") for feature in if == 1: self.sensitivity_1d(feature=feature, sensitivity="total") self.sensitivity_1d_combined(feature=feature, sensitivity="total") self.sensitivity_1d_grid(feature=feature, sensitivity="total") self.features_0d(sensitivity="total") self.average_sensitivity_all(sensitivity="total") self.average_sensitivity_grid(sensitivity="total")
[docs] def plot_condensed(self, sensitivity="first"): """ Plot the subset of data that shows all information in the most concise way, with the chosen sensitivity. Parameters ---------- sensitivity : {"sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total"}, optional Which Sobol indices to plot. "sobol_first" and "first" is the first order Sobol indices, while "sobol_total" and "total" are the total order Sobol indices. If None, no sensitivity is plotted. Default is "first". Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If sensitivity is not one of "sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total", or None. """ if sensitivity not in ["sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total", None]: raise ValueError("Sensitivity must be either: sobol_first, first, sobol_total, total, not {}".format(sensitivity)) sensitivity, _ = self.convert_sensitivity(sensitivity) for feature in if == 1: self.mean_variance_1d(feature=feature) self.prediction_interval_1d(feature=feature) if sensitivity in[feature]: self.sensitivity_1d_grid(feature=feature, sensitivity=sensitivity) self.features_0d(sensitivity=sensitivity) self.features_2d() if sensitivity is not None: self.average_sensitivity_grid(sensitivity=sensitivity)
[docs] def plot(self, condensed=True, sensitivity="first"): """ Plot the subset of data that shows all information in the most concise way, with the chosen sensitivity. Parameters ---------- condensed : bool, optional If the results should be plotted in the most concise way. If not, all plots are created. Default is True. sensitivity : {"sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total"}, optional Which Sobol indices to plot. "sobol_first" and "first" is the first order Sobol indices, while "sobol_total" and "total" are the total order Sobol indices. If None, no sensitivity is plotted. Default is "first". Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If sensitivity is not one of "sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total", or None. """ if condensed: self.plot_condensed(sensitivity=sensitivity) else: if sensitivity is "all": self.plot_all_sensitivities() else: self.plot_all(sensitivity)
[docs] def average_sensitivity_grid(self, sensitivity="first", hardcopy=True, show=False, **plot_kwargs): """ Plot the average of the sensitivity for all model/features in their own plots in the same figure. Parameters ---------- sensitivity : {"sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total"}, optional Which Sobol indices to plot. "sobol_first" and "first" is the first order Sobol indices, while "sobol_total" and "total" are the total order Sobol indices. Default is "first". hardcopy : bool, optional If the plot should be saved to file. Default is True. show : bool, optional If the plot should be shown on screen. Default is False. **plot_kwargs, optional Matplotlib plotting arguments. Raises ------ ValueError If a Datafile is not loaded. ValueError If sensitivity is not one of "sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", or "total". """ logger = get_logger(self) if is None: raise ValueError("Datafile must be loaded.") if sensitivity not in ["sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total"]: raise ValueError("Sensitivity must be either: sobol_first, first, sobol_total, total, not {}".format(sensitivity)) sensitivity, title = self.convert_sensitivity(sensitivity) no_sensitivity = True for feature in if sensitivity + "_average" in[feature]: no_sensitivity = False if no_sensitivity: msg = "All {sensitivity}_averages are missing. Unable to plot {sensitivity}_average_grid" logger.warning(msg.format(sensitivity=sensitivity)) return # get size of the grid in x and y directions nr_plots = len( grid_size = np.ceil(np.sqrt(nr_plots)) grid_x_size = int(grid_size) grid_y_size = int(np.ceil(nr_plots/float(grid_x_size))) # plt.close("all") set_style("seaborn-dark") fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=grid_y_size, ncols=grid_x_size, squeeze=False, sharex="col", sharey="row") set_style("seaborn-white") # Add a larger subplot to use to set a common xlabel and ylabel ax = fig.add_subplot(111, zorder=-10) spines_color(ax, edges={"top": "None", "bottom": "None", "right": "None", "left": "None"}) ax.tick_params(labelcolor="w", top=False, bottom=False, left=False, right=False) ax.set_xlabel("Parameters") ax.set_ylabel("Average of " + title) width = 0.2 index = np.arange(1, len(*width features = list( for i in range(0, grid_x_size*grid_y_size): nx = i % grid_x_size ny = int(np.floor(i/float(grid_x_size))) ax = axes[ny][nx] if i < nr_plots: if sensitivity + "_average" not in[features[i]]: msg = " Unable to plot {sensitivity}_average_grid. {sensitivity}_average of {feature} does not exist." logger.warning(msg.format(sensitivity=sensitivity, feature=features[i])) ax.set_axis_off() continue prettyBar([features[i]][sensitivity + "_average"], title=features[i].replace("_", " "),, nr_colors=len(, index=index, palette="husl", ax=ax, **plot_kwargs) for tick in ax.get_xticklabels(): tick.set_rotation(-30) ax.set_ylim([0, 1.05]) # ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels, fontsize=labelsize, rotation=0) ax.tick_params(labelsize=fontsize) else: ax.set_axis_off() title = "Average of " + title plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=titlesize) plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.88) if hardcopy: plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.folder, sensitivity + "_average_grid" + self.figureformat)) if show: else: plt.close() reset_style()
# if __name__ == "__main__": # parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Plot data") # parser.add_argument("-d", "--data_dir", # help="Directory the data is stored in", default="data") # parser.add_argument("-o", "--folder", # help="Folders to find compare files", default="figures") # args = parser.parse_args() # figureformat = ".png"