Source code for uncertainpy.features.spikes

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from ..plotting.prettyplot import prettyPlot, create_figure, get_current_colormap

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

[docs]class Spike: """ A single spike found in a voltage trace. Parameters ---------- time : array_like The time array of the spike. V : array_like The voltage array of the spike. time_spike : {float, int} The timing of the peak of the spike. V_spike : {float, int} The voltage at the peak of the spike. global_index : int Index of the spike peak in the simulation. xlabel : str, optional Label for the x-axis. ylabel : str, optional Label for the y-axis. Attributes ---------- time : array_like The time array of the spike. V : array_like The voltage array of the spike. time_spike : {float, int} The timing of the peak of the spike. V_spike : {float, int} The voltage at the peak of the spike. global_index : int Index of the spike peak in the simulation. xlabel : str, optional Label for the x-axis. ylabel : str, optional Label for the y-axis. """ def __init__(self, time, V, time_spike, V_spike, global_index, xlabel="", ylabel=""): self.time = time self.V = V self.V_spike = V_spike self.time_spike = time_spike self.global_index = global_index self.xlabel = xlabel self.ylabel = ylabel
[docs] def plot(self, save_name=None): """ Plot the spike. Parameters ---------- save_name : {str, None} Name of the plot file. If None, the plot is shown instead of saved to disk. Default is None. """ prettyPlot(self.time, self.V, title="Spike", xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel) plt.xlim([min(self.time), max(self.time)]) if save_name is None: else: plt.savefig(save_name) plt.close()
[docs] def trim(self, threshold, min_extent_from_peak=1): """ Remove the first and last values of the spike that is below `threshold`. Parameters ---------- threshold : {float, int} Remove all values from each side of the spike that is bellow this value. min_extent_from_peak : int, optional Minimum extent of the spike in each direction from the peak. """ indices = np.where(self.V > threshold)[0] # TODO make sure this is the best way of "deleting a spike" if len(indices) == 0: self.time = None self.V = None self.V_spike = None self.time_spike = None self.global_index = None else: peak_index = np.where(self.V == self.V_spike)[0][0] if indices[0] > 0: start_index = indices[0] - 1 else: start_index = indices[0] end_index = indices[-1] + 2 if start_index > 0 and start_index > peak_index - min_extent_from_peak: start_index = peak_index - min_extent_from_peak if end_index < len(self.V) and end_index < peak_index + min_extent_from_peak + 1: end_index = peak_index + min_extent_from_peak + 1 self.time = self.time[start_index:end_index] self.V = self.V[start_index:end_index]
# self.time = self.time[indices[0]:indices[-1] + 1] # self.V = self.V[indices[0]:indices[-1] + 1] def __str__(self): """ Convert the spike to a readable string. Returns ------- str A human readable string of the spike information. """ output_str = "time: {}\nV: {}\ntime_spike: {}\nV_spike: {}\nglobal_index: {}".format(self.time, self.V, self.time_spike, self.V_spike, self.global_index) return output_str def __add__(self, other): """ Join two spikes. Assumes spikes are found in the same voltage trace. """ if np.all(np.isin(self.time, other.time)): new_time = other.time new_V = other.V new_time_spike = other.time_spike new_V_spike = other.V_spike new_global_index = other.global_index elif np.all(np.isin(other.time, self.time)): new_time = self.time new_V = self.V new_time_spike = self.time_spike new_V_spike = self.V_spike new_global_index = self.global_index else: if self.V_spike < other.V_spike: new_V_spike = other.V_spike new_time_spike = other.time_spike new_global_index = other.global_index else: new_V_spike = self.V_spike new_time_spike = self.time_spike new_global_index = self.global_index if self.time[0] < other.time[0]: first_spike = self last_spike = other else: first_spike = other last_spike = self remaining_V = last_spike.V[last_spike.time > first_spike.time[-1]] new_V = np.concatenate([first_spike.V, remaining_V]) remaining_time = last_spike.time[last_spike.time > first_spike.time[-1]] new_time = np.concatenate([first_spike.time, remaining_time]) return Spike(new_time, new_V, new_time_spike, new_V_spike, new_global_index)
[docs]class Spikes: """ Finds spikes in the given voltage trace and is a container for the resulting Spike objects. Parameters ---------- time : array_like The time of the voltage trace. V : array_like The voltage trace. threshold : {int, float, "auto"} The threshold for what is considered a spike. If the voltage trace rise above and then fall below this `threshold` + `end_threshold` it is considered a spike. If "auto" the threshold is set to the standard deviation of the voltage trace. Default is -30. end_threshold : {int, float}, optional The end threshold for a spike relative to the threshold. Generally negative values give the best results. Default is -10. extended_spikes : bool If the spikes should be extended past the threshold, until the derivative of the voltage trace is below 0.5. Default is False. trim : bool, optional If the spikes should be trimmed back from the termination threshold, so each spike is equal the threshold at both ends. Default is True. normalize : bool, optional If the voltage trace should be normalized before the spikes are found. If normalize is used threshold must be between [0, 1], and the end_threshold a similar relative value. Default is False. min_amplitude : {int, float}, optional Minimum height for what should be considered a spike. Default is 0. min_duration : {int, float}, optional Minimum duration for what should be considered a spike. Default is 0. xlabel : str, optional Label for the x-axis. ylabel : str, optional Label for the y-axis. Attributes ---------- spikes : list A list of Spike objects. nr_spikes : int The number of spikes. xlabel : str, optional Label for the x-axis. ylabel : str, optional Label for the y-axis. time : array_like The time of the voltage trace. V : array_like The voltage trace. Notes ----- The spikes are found by finding where the voltage trace goes above the `threshold`, and then later falls below this `threshold` + `end_threshold`. The spike is considered to be everything within this interval. The spike can be extended. If `extended_spikes` is True, the spike is extended around the above area until the derivative of the voltage trace falls below 0.5. This works badly with noisy voltage traces. See also -------- Spike : The class for a single spike. find_spikes : Finding spikes in the voltage trace. """ def __init__(self, time=None, V=None, threshold=-30, end_threshold=-10, extended_spikes=False, trim=True, normalize=False, min_amplitude=0, min_duration=0, xlabel="", ylabel=""): self.spikes = [] self.nr_spikes = 0 self.xlabel = xlabel self.ylabel = ylabel self.V = None self.time = None if time is not None and V is not None: self.find_spikes(time, V, threshold=threshold, end_threshold=end_threshold, extended_spikes=extended_spikes, trim=trim, normalize=normalize, min_amplitude=min_amplitude, min_duration=min_duration) def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over all spikes. Yields ------ Spike object A spike object. """ for spike in self.spikes: yield spike def __str__(self): """ Convert the spikes to a readable string. Returns ------- str A human readable string of the spike information. """ string = "" for i, spike in enumerate(self): string += "Spike {}\n---------------------------------------\n".format(i) + str(spike) + "\n\n" return string.strip() def __len__(self): """ Find the number of spikes. Returns ------- int The number of spikes. """ return self.nr_spikes def __getitem__(self, i): """ Return spike number `i`. Parameters ---------- i: int Spike number `i`. Returns ------- Spike object The spike object number `i`. """ return self.spikes[i]
[docs] def find_spikes(self, time, V, threshold=-30, end_threshold=-10, extended_spikes=False, trim=True, normalize=False, min_amplitude=0, min_duration=0): """ Finds spikes in the given voltage trace. Parameters ---------- time : array_like The time of the voltage trace. V : array_like The voltage trace. threshold : {int, float, "auto"} The threshold for what is considered a spike. If the voltage trace rise above and then fall below this `threshold` + `end_threshold` it is considered a spike. If "auto" the threshold is set to the standard deviation of the voltage trace. Default is -30. end_threshold : {int, float}, optional The end threshold for a spike relative to the threshold. Generally negative values give the best results. Default is -10. extended_spikes : bool, optional If the spikes should be extended past the threshold, until the derivative of the voltage trace is below 0.5. Default is False. trim : bool, optional If the spikes should be trimmed back from the termination threshold, so each spike is equal the threshold at both ends. Default is True. normalize : bool, optional If the voltage traceshould be normalized before the spikes are found. If normalize is used threshold must be between [0, 1], and the end_threshold must have a absolute value between [0, 1]. Default is False. min_amplitude : {int, float}, optional Minimum height for what should be considered a spike. Default is 0. min_duration : {int, float}, optional Minimum duration for what should be considered a spike. Default is 0. Raises ------ ValueError If the threshold is outside the interval [0, 1] when normalize=True. ValueError If the absolute value of end_threshold is outside the interval [0, 1] when normalize=True. Notes ----- The spikes are added to ``self.spikes`` and ``self.nr_spikes`` is updated. The spikes are found by finding where the voltage trace goes above the `threshold`, and then later falls below this `threshold` + `end_threshold`. The spike is considered to be everything within this interval. The spike can be extended. If `extended_spikes` is True, the spike is extended around the above area until the derivative of the voltage trace falls below 0.5. This works badly with noisy voltage traces. """ self.time = time self.V = V # Normalize the values if normalize: if threshold != "auto": if threshold > 1 or threshold < 0: raise ValueError("Threshold must be between [0, 1] when normalize=True") if abs(end_threshold) > 1 or abs(end_threshold) < 0: raise ValueError("Absolute value of end_threshold must be between [0, 1] when normalize=True") voltage = V.copy() voltage -= voltage.min() voltage /= voltage.max() if threshold == "auto": threshold = np.sqrt(voltage.var()) rescaled_threshold = threshold*(V.max() - V.min()) + V.min() else: voltage = V if threshold == "auto": threshold = np.sqrt(voltage.var()) rescaled_threshold = threshold min_extent_from_peak = 1 derivative_cutoff = 0.5 self.spikes = [] spike_start = 0 start_flag = False if extended_spikes: dVdt = np.gradient(voltage) gt_derivative = np.where(dVdt >= derivative_cutoff)[0] lt_derivative = np.where(dVdt <= -derivative_cutoff)[0] prev_spike_end = 0 for i in range(len(V)): if voltage[i] > threshold and start_flag is False: if i > 0: spike_start = i - 1 else: spike_start = i start_flag = True continue elif voltage[i] < (threshold + end_threshold) and start_flag is True: start_flag = False spike_end = i + 1 time_spike = time[spike_start:spike_end] V_spike = V[spike_start:spike_end] spike_index = np.argmax(V_spike) global_index = spike_index + spike_start time_max = time[global_index] V_max = V[global_index] # Discard the first spike if the spike max is at the first # point in the voltage trace, or the voltage trace starts above # the threshold if global_index == 0 or spike_start == 0: prev_spike_end = spike_end continue if extended_spikes: spike_start = gt_derivative[(gt_derivative > prev_spike_end) & (gt_derivative < global_index)][0] spike_end = self.consecutive(lt_derivative[lt_derivative > global_index])[-1] + 1 else: # Check if the spike has the minimum required extent, # if not extend the spike # Should never be required with min_extent_from_peak = 1 if global_index > 0 and global_index - min_extent_from_peak < spike_start: spike_start = global_index - min_extent_from_peak if global_index < len(self.V) and global_index + min_extent_from_peak + 1 > spike_end: spike_end = global_index + min_extent_from_peak + 1 time_spike = time[spike_start:spike_end] V_spike = V[spike_start:spike_end] spike = Spike(time_spike, V_spike, time_max, V_max, global_index) if not extended_spikes and trim: spike.trim(threshold=rescaled_threshold, min_extent_from_peak=min_extent_from_peak) # Do not add if the spike is empty or less than minimum height # or less than minimum duration if spike.V is not None \ and (abs(spike.V_spike - spike.V.min()) >= min_amplitude) \ and ((spike.time[-1] - spike.time[0]) >= min_duration): self.spikes.append(spike) prev_spike_end = spike_end self.nr_spikes = len(self.spikes)
[docs] def consecutive(self, data): """ Returns the first consecutive array, from a discontinuous index array such as [2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14], which returns [2, 3, 4, 5] Parameters ---------- data : array_like Returns ------- array_like The first consecutive array """ result = [data[0]] d_prev = data[0] for d in data[1:]: if d_prev + 1 != d: return result d_prev = d return result
[docs] def plot_spikes(self, save_name=None): """ Plot all spikes. Parameters ---------- save_name : {str, None} Name of the plot file. If None, the plot is shown instead of saved to disk. Default is None. """ V_max = [] V_min = [] time_max = [] labels = [] i = 1 if self.nr_spikes == 0: raise RuntimeWarning("No spikes to plot") create_figure(nr_colors=self.nr_spikes) for spike in self.spikes: V_max.append(max(spike.V)) V_min.append(min(spike.V)) time_max.append(len(spike.time)) prettyPlot(range(len(spike.time)), spike.V, title="Spikes", xlabel="index", ylabel=self.ylabel, new_figure=False, nr_colors=self.nr_spikes) labels.append("spike %d" % (i)) i += 1 plt.ylim([min(V_min), max(V_max)]) plt.xlim([0, max(time_max)*1.2]) plt.legend(labels) if save_name is None: else: plt.savefig(save_name) plt.close()
[docs] def plot_voltage(self, save_name): """ Plot the voltage with the peak of each spike marked. Parameters ---------- save_name : {str, None} Name of the plot file. If None, the plot is shown instead of saved to disk. Default is None. """ ax = prettyPlot(self.time, self.V, title=self.ylabel, ylabel=self.ylabel, xlabel="Time", palette="deep") colors = get_current_colormap() for spike in self.spikes: ax.axvline(self.time[spike.global_index], color=colors[2]) if save_name is None: else: plt.savefig(save_name) plt.close()