Source code for

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import six
import os
import collections

import numpy as np

from .utils.utility import contains_nan, is_regular
from .utils.logger import setup_module_logger, get_logger
from ._version import __version__

[docs]class DataFeature(collections.MutableMapping): """ Store the results of each statistical metric calculated from the uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis for a single model/feature. The statistical metrics can be retrieved as attributes. Additionally, DataFeature implements all standard dictionary methods, such as items, value, contains and so implemented. This means it can be indexed as a regular dictionary with the statistical metric names as keys and returns the values for that statistical metric. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the model/feature. evaluations : {None, array_like}, optional. Feature or model result. Default is None. time : {None, array_like}, optional. Time evaluations for feature or model. Default is None. mean : {None, array_like}, optional. Mean of the feature or model results. Default is None. variance : {None, array_like}, optional. Variance of the feature or model results. Default is None. percentile_5 : {None, array_like}, optional. 5 percentile of the feature or model results. Default is None. percentile_95 : {None, array_like}, optional. 95 percentile of the feature or model results. Default is None. sobol_first : {None, array_like}, optional. First order sensitivity of the feature or model results. Default is None. sobol_first_average : {None, array_like}, optional. First order sensitivity of the feature or model results. Default is None. sobol_total : {None, array_like}, optional. Total effect sensitivity of the feature or model results. Default is None. sobol_total_average : {None, array_like}, optional. Average of the total effect sensitivity of the feature or model results. Default is None. labels : list, optional. A list of labels for plotting, ``[x-axis, y-axis, z-axis]`` Default is ``[]``. Attributes ---------- name : str Name of the model/feature. evaluations : {None, array_like} Feature or model output. time : {None, array_like} Time values for feature or model. mean : {None, array_like} Mean of the feature or model results. variance : {None, array_like} Variance of the feature or model results. percentile_5 : {None, array_like} 5 percentile of the feature or model results. percentile_95 : {None, array_like} 95 percentile of the feature or model results. sobol_first : {None, array_like} First order Sobol indices (sensitivity) of the feature or model results. sobol_first_average : {None, array_like} Average of the first order Sobol indices of the feature or model results. sobol_total : {None, array_like} Total order Sobol indices (sensitivity) of the feature or model results. sobol_total_average : {None, array_like} Average of the total order Sobol indices of the feature or model results. labels : list A list of labels for plotting, ``[x-axis, y-axis, z-axis]``. Notes ----- The statistical metrics calculated in Uncertainpy are: * ``evaluations`` - the results from the model/feature evaluations. * ``time`` - the time of the model/feature. * ``mean`` - the mean of the model/feature. * ``variance``. - the variance of the model/feature. * ``percentile_5`` - the 5th percentile of the model/feature. * ``percentile_95`` - the 95th percentile of the model/feature. * ``sobol_first`` - the first order Sobol indices (sensitivity) of the model/feature. * ``sobol_first_average`` - the average of the first order Sobol indices (sensitivity) of the model/feature. * ``sobol_total`` - the total order Sobol indices (sensitivity) of the model/feature. * ``sobol_total_average`` - the average of the total order Sobol indices (sensitivity) of the model/feature. """ def __init__(self, name, evaluations=None, time=None, mean=None, variance=None, percentile_5=None, percentile_95=None, sobol_first=None, sobol_first_average=None, sobol_total=None, sobol_total_average=None, labels=[]): = name self.evaluations = evaluations self.time = time self.mean = mean self.variance = variance self.percentile_5 = percentile_5 self.percentile_95 = percentile_95 self.sobol_first = sobol_first self.sobol_first_average = sobol_first_average self.sobol_total = sobol_total self.sobol_total_average = sobol_total_average self.labels = labels self._statistical_metrics = ["evaluations", "time", "mean", "variance", "percentile_5", "percentile_95", "sobol_first", "sobol_first_average", "sobol_total", "sobol_total_average"] self._information = ["name", "labels"]
[docs] def __getitem__(self, statistical_metric): """ Get the data for `statistical_metric`. Parameters ---------- statistical_metric: str Name of the statistical metric. Returns ------- {array_like, None} The data for `statistical_metric`. """ return getattr(self, statistical_metric)
[docs] def get_metrics(self): """ Get the names of all statistical metrics that contain data (not None). Returns ------- list List of the names of all statistical metric that contain data. """ statistical_metrics = [] for statistical_metric in dir(self): if not statistical_metric.startswith('_') and not callable(self[statistical_metric]) \ and self[statistical_metric] is not None and statistical_metric not in self._information: statistical_metrics.append(statistical_metric) return statistical_metrics
[docs] def __setitem__(self, statistical_metric, data): """ Set the data for the statistical metric. Parameters ---------- statistical_metric: str Name of the statistical metric. data : {array_like, None} The data for the statistical metric. """ setattr(self, statistical_metric, data)
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over each statistical metric with data. Yields ------ str Name of the statistical metric. """ for statistical_metric in self.get_metrics(): yield statistical_metric
[docs] def __delitem__(self, statistical_metric): """ Delete data for `statistical_metric` (set to None). Parameters ---------- statistical_metric: str Name of the statistical metric. """ setattr(self, statistical_metric, None)
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Get the number of data types with data. Returns ------- int The number of data types with data. """ return len(self.get_metrics())
def __contains__(self, statistical_metric): """ Check if `statistical_metric` exists and contains data (not None). Parameters ---------- statistical_metric: str Name of the statistical metric. Returns ------- bool If `statistical_metric` exists and contains data (not None) """ if statistical_metric not in self.get_metrics() or self[statistical_metric] is None: return False else: return True def __str__(self): """ Convert all data to a readable string. Returns ------- str A human readable string of all statistical metrics. """ output_str = "" for statistical_metric in self: output_str += "=== {statistical_metric} ===\n".format(statistical_metric=statistical_metric) output_str += "{data}\n\n".format(data=self[statistical_metric]) return output_str.strip() # TODO: add test for a single evaluations list
[docs] def ndim(self): """ Get the number of dimensions the data of a data type. Returns None if no evaluations or all evaluations contain numpy.nan. Parameters ---------- feature : str Name of the model or a feature. Returns ------- int The number of dimensions of the data of the data type. """ if self.evaluations is not None: for evaluation in self.evaluations: if not contains_nan(evaluation): return np.ndim(evaluation) return None
[docs]class Data(collections.MutableMapping): """ Store the results of each statistical metric calculated from the uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis for each model/features. Has all standard dictionary methods, such as items, value, contains and so implemented. Can be indexed as a regular dictionary with model/feature names as keys and returns a DataFeature object that contains the data for all statistical metrics for that model/feature. Additionally it contains information on how the calculations was performed Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional Name of the file to load data from. If None, no data is loaded. Default is None. backend : {"auto", "hdf5", "exdir"}, optional The fileformat used to save and load data to/from file. "auto" assumes the filenamess ends with either ".h5" for HDF5 files or ".exdir" for Exdir files. If unknown fileextension defaults to saving as HDF5 files. "hdf5" saves and loads files from HDF5 files. "exdir" saves and loads files from Exdir files. Default is "auto". logger_level : {"info", "debug", "warning", "error", "critical", None}, optional Set the threshold for the logging level. Logging messages less severe than this level is ignored. If None, no logging to file is performed Default logger level is "info". Attributes ---------- uncertain_parameters : list A list of the uncertain parameters in the uncertainty quantification. model_name : str Name of the model. incomplete : list List of all model/features that have missing model/feature evaluations. error : list List of all model/features that were irregular, but not set to be interpolated. method : str A string that describes the method used to perform the uncertainty quantification. data : dictionary A dictionary with a DataFeature for each model/feature. data_information : list List of attributes containing additional information. Notes ----- The statistical metrics calculated for each feature and model in Uncertainpy are: * ``evaluations`` - the results from the model/feature evaluations. * ``time`` - the time of the model/feature. * ``mean`` - the mean of the model/feature. * ``variance``. - the variance of the model/feature. * ``percentile_5`` - the 5th percentile of the model/feature. * ``percentile_95`` - the 95th percentile of the model/feature. * ``sobol_first`` - the first order Sobol indices (sensitivity) of the model/feature. * ``sobol_first_average`` - the average of the first order Sobol indices (sensitivity) of the model/feature. * ``sobol_total`` - the total order Sobol indices (sensitivity) of the model/feature. * ``sobol_total_average`` - the average of the total order Sobol indices (sensitivity) of the model/feature. Raises ------ ValueError If unsupported backend is chosen. See also -------- uncertainpy.DataFeature """ def __init__(self, filename=None, backend="auto", logger_level="info"): self.data_information = ["uncertain_parameters", "model_name", "incomplete", "method", "version", "seed", "model_ignore", "error"] if backend not in ["auto", "hdf5", "exdir"]: raise ValueError("backend {} not supported. Supported backends are: auto, hdf5, and exdir".format(backend)) setup_module_logger(class_instance=self, level=logger_level) self.uncertain_parameters = [] self.model_name = "" self.incomplete = [] self.error = [] = {} self.method = "" self.model_ignore = False self._seed = "" self.backend = backend self.version = __version__ if filename is not None: self.load(filename) @property def seed(self): """ Seed used in the calculations. Parameters ---------- new_seed : {None, int} Seed used in the calculations. If None, converted to "". Returns ------- seed : {int, str} Seed used in the calculations. """ return self._seed @seed.setter def seed(self, new_seed): if new_seed is None: self._seed = "" else: self._seed = new_seed
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Convert all data to a readable string. Returns ------- str A human readable string of all stored data. """ def border(msg): count = len(msg) + 6 line = "="*(count + 2) string = """ {line} | {msg} | {line}\n\n""".format(line=line, msg=msg) return string output_str = border("Information") for info in self.data_information: current_info = getattr(self, info) output_str += "{info}: {current_info}\n".format(info=info, current_info=current_info) for feature in self: output_str += border(feature) output_str += "=== labels ===\n" output_str += "{data}\n\n".format(data=self[feature].labels) output_str += str(self[feature]) + "\n" return output_str.strip()
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear all data. """ self.uncertain_parameters = [] self.model_name = "" self.incomplete = [] self.error = [] = {} self.method = "" self._seed = "" self.model_ignore = False self.version = __version__
[docs] def ndim(self, feature): """ Get the number of dimensions of a `feature`. Parameters ---------- feature : str Name of the model or a feature. Returns ------- int, None The number of dimensions of the model/feature result. Returns None if the feature has no evaluations or only contains nan. """ return self[feature].ndim()
[docs] def get_labels(self, feature): """ Get labels for a `feature`. If no labels are defined, returns a list with the correct number of empty strings. Parameters ---------- feature : str Name of the model or a feature. Returns ------- list A list of labels for plotting, ``[x-axis, y-axis, z-axis]``. If no labels are defined (labels = []), returns a list with the correct number of empty strings. """ if self[feature].labels != []: return self[feature].labels elif self[self.model_name].labels != [] and self[self.model_name].ndim() == self[feature].ndim(): return self[self.model_name].labels else: return [""]*(self[feature].ndim() + 1)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, feature): """ Get the DataFeature containing the data for `feature`. Parameters ---------- feature: str Name of feature/model. Returns ------- DataFeature The DataFeature containing the data for `feature`. """ return[feature]
[docs] def __setitem__(self, feature, data): """ Set `data` for `feature`. `Data` must be a DataFeature object. Parameters ---------- feature: str Name of feature/model. data : DataFeature DataFeature with the data for `feature`. Raises ------ ValueError If `data` is not a DataFeature. """ if not isinstance(data, DataFeature): raise ValueError("data must be of type DataFeature")[feature] = data
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over each feature/model that has not errored. Yields ------ str Name of feature/model. """ for d in if d not in self.error: yield d
# return iter(
[docs] def __delitem__(self, feature): """ Delete data for `feature`. Parameters ---------- feature: str Name of feature. """ del[feature]
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Get the number of model/features that have not errored. Returns ------- int The number of model/features that have not errored. """ return len( - len(self.error)
[docs] def add_features(self, features): """ Add features (which contain no data). Parameters ---------- features : {str, list} Name of feature to add, or list of features to add. """ if isinstance(features, six.string_types): features = [features] for feature in features:[feature] = DataFeature(feature)
# TODO expand the save function to also save parameters and model information
[docs] def save(self, filename): """ Save data to a HDF5 or Exdir file with name `filename`. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the file to load data from. Raises ------ ImportError If h5py is not installed. ImportError If Exdir is not installed. """ logger = get_logger(self) if self.backend == "auto": if filename.endswith(".h5"): current_backend = "hdf5" elif filename.endswith(".exdir"): current_backend = "exdir" else: logger.warning("Unknown fileextension, defaulting to save {} as a HDF5 file.".format(filename)) current_backend = "hdf5" else: current_backend = self.backend if current_backend == "hdf5": try: import h5py as backend except ImportError: raise ImportError("The HDF5 backend requires: h5py") elif current_backend == "exdir": try: import exdir.core as backend except ImportError: raise ImportError("The Exdir backend requires: exdir") def add_group(group, values, name="evaluation"): iteration = 0 padding = len(str(len(values) + 1)) for value in values: try: group.create_dataset(name + "_{0:0{1}d}".format(iteration, padding), data=value) except (TypeError, ValueError): new_group = group.create_group(name + "_{0:0{1}d}".format(iteration, padding)) if not name.startswith("sub_"): new_name = "sub_" + name add_group(new_group, value, name=new_name) iteration += 1 # with backend.File(filename, "w") as f: f = backend.File(filename, "w") f.attrs["uncertain parameters"] = [parameter.encode("utf8") for parameter in self.uncertain_parameters] f.attrs["model name"] = self.model_name f.attrs["incomplete results"] = [incomplete.encode("utf8") for incomplete in self.incomplete] f.attrs["error"] = [irregular.encode("utf8") for irregular in self.error] f.attrs["method"] = self.method f.attrs["version"] = self.version f.attrs["seed"] = self.seed f.attrs["model ignore"] = self.model_ignore for feature in group = f.create_group(feature) for statistical_metric in self[feature]: if statistical_metric in ["evaluations", "time"]: if is_regular(self[feature][statistical_metric]): group.create_dataset(statistical_metric, data=self[feature][statistical_metric]) else: evaluations_group = group.create_group(statistical_metric) add_group(evaluations_group, self[feature][statistical_metric], name=statistical_metric) else: group.create_dataset(statistical_metric, data=self[feature][statistical_metric]) group.create_dataset("labels", data=np.array([label.encode("utf8") for label in self[feature].labels])) f.close()
[docs] def load(self, filename): """ Load data from a HDF5 or Exdir file with name `filename`. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the file to load data from. Raises ------ ImportError If h5py is not installed. ImportError If Exdir is not installed. """ logger = get_logger(self) if self.backend == "auto": if filename.endswith(".h5"): current_backend = "hdf5" elif filename.endswith(".exdir"): current_backend = "exdir" else: logger.warning("Unknown fileextension, defaulting to load {} from a HDF5 file.".format(filename)) current_backend = "hdf5" else: current_backend = self.backend if current_backend == "hdf5": try: import h5py as backend except ImportError: raise ImportError("The HDF5 backend requires: h5py") elif current_backend == "exdir": try: import exdir.core as backend except ImportError: raise ImportError("The Exdir backend requires: exdir") # TODO add this check when changing to python 3 # if not os.path.isfile(self.filename): # raise FileNotFoundError("{} file not found".format(self.filename)) self.clear() def append_evaluations(evaluations, group): sub_evaluations = [] for item in group: value = group[item] if isinstance(value, backend.Dataset): sub_evaluations.append(value[()]) elif isinstance(value, backend.Group): append_evaluations(sub_evaluations, group) evaluations.append(sub_evaluations) # with backend.File(filename, "r") as f: f = backend.File(filename, "r") if "uncertain parameters" in f.attrs: try: self.uncertain_parameters = [parameter.decode("utf8") for parameter in f.attrs["uncertain parameters"]] except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError): self.uncertain_parameters = [parameter for parameter in f.attrs["uncertain parameters"]] if "model name" in f.attrs: self.model_name = str(f.attrs["model name"]) if "incomplete results" in f.attrs: try: self.incomplete = [incomplete.decode("utf8") for incomplete in f.attrs["incomplete results"]] except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError): self.incomplete = [incomplete for incomplete in f.attrs["incomplete results"]] if "error" in f.attrs: try: self.error = [irregular.decode("utf8") for irregular in f.attrs["error"]] except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError): self.error = [irregular for irregular in f.attrs["error"]] if "method" in f.attrs: self.method = str(f.attrs["method"]) if "version" in f.attrs: self.version = str(f.attrs["version"]) if "seed" in f.attrs: self.seed = f.attrs["seed"] if "model ignore" in f.attrs: self.model_ignore = f.attrs["model ignore"] for feature in f: self.add_features(str(feature)) for statistical_metric in f[feature]: if statistical_metric in ["evaluations", "time"]: values = f[feature][statistical_metric] if isinstance(values, backend.Dataset): evaluations = values[()] else: evaluations = [] for item in f[feature][statistical_metric]: value = f[feature][statistical_metric][item] if isinstance(value, backend.Dataset): evaluations.append(value[()]) elif isinstance(value, backend.Group): append_evaluations(evaluations, value) self[feature][statistical_metric] = evaluations elif statistical_metric == "labels": self[feature][statistical_metric] = [label.decode("utf8") for label in f[feature][statistical_metric][()]] else: self[feature][statistical_metric] = f[feature][statistical_metric][()] f.close()
[docs] def remove_only_invalid_features(self): """ Remove all features that only have invalid results (NaN). """ feature_list = list( for feature in feature_list: all_nan = True for U in self[feature].evaluations: if not np.all(np.isnan(U)): all_nan = False if all_nan: logger = get_logger(self) logger.warning("Feature: {} does".format(feature) + " not yield results for any parameter combinations") del self[feature]