Source code for uncertainpy.parameters

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import six
import re
import fileinput
import sys
import collections

import chaospy as cp

__all__ = ["Parameters", "Parameter"]

[docs]class Parameter(object): """ Parameter object, contains name of parameter, value of parameter and distribution of parameter. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the parameter. value: float, int, None The fixed value of the parameter. If you give a parameter a distribution, in most cases you do not need to give it a fixed value. distribution: {None, Chaospy distribution, Function that returns a Chaospy distribution}, optional The distribution of the parameter. A parameter is considered uncertain if it has a distribution. Defaults to None. Attributes ---------- name: str Name of the parameter. value: float, int The value of the parameter. distribution : uncertainpy.Parameter.distribution The distribution of the parameter. A parameter is considered uncertain if it has a distribution. """ def __init__(self, name, value=None, distribution=None): = name self.value = value self._distribution = None self.distribution = distribution @property def distribution(self): """ A Chaospy distribution or a function that returns a Chaospy distribution. If None the parameter has no distribution and is not considered uncertain. Parameters ---------- distribution: {None, Chaospy distribution, callable that returns a Chaospy distribution}, optional The distribution of the parameter, used if the parameter is uncertain If it is a callable that returns a Chaospy distribution, the function sends `value` value to the function. Defaults to None. Returns ------- distribution: {Chaospy distribution, None} The distribution of the parameter, if None the parameter has no distribution and is not considered uncertain. """ return self._distribution @distribution.setter def distribution(self, new_distribution): if new_distribution is None: self._distribution = None elif isinstance(new_distribution, cp.Distribution): self._distribution = new_distribution elif hasattr(new_distribution, '__call__'): if self.value is None: raise ValueError("The value of this parameter is None. A function cannot be created with new_distribution(self.value).") self._distribution = new_distribution(self.value) if not isinstance(self._distribution, cp.Distribution): raise TypeError("Function new_distribution does not return a Chaospy distribution") else: raise TypeError("new_distribution is neither a function nor a Chaospy distribution")
[docs] def set_parameter_file(self, filename, value): """ Set parameters to given value in a parameter file. Search `filename` for occurrences of ``name = number`` and replace ``number`` with `value`. Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of file. value: float, int New value to set in parameter file. """ search_string = r"(\A|\b)(" + + r")(\s*=\s*)((([+-]?\d+[.]?\d*)|([+-]?\d*[.]?\d+))([eE][+-]?\d+)*)($|\b)" pattern = re.compile(search_string) for line in fileinput.input(filename, inplace=True): sys.stdout.write(pattern.sub(r"\g<1>\g<2>\g<3>" + str(value), line))
[docs] def reset_parameter_file(self, filename): """ Set all parameters to the original value in the parameter file, `filename`. Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of file. """ if self.value is None: raise ValueError("The value of this parameter is None. The parameter file cannot be reset.") self.set_parameter_file(filename, self.value)
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Return a readable string describing the parameter. Returns ------- str A string containing ``name``, ``value``, and if a parameter is uncertain. """ if self.distribution is None: uncertain = "" else: uncertain = " - Uncertain" return "{parameter}: {value}{uncertain}".format(, value=self.value, uncertain=uncertain)
[docs]class Parameters(collections.MutableMapping): """ A collection of parameters. Has all standard dictionary methods implemented, such as items, value, contains and similar implemented. As such, behaves as an ordered dictionary. Parameters ---------- parameters: {dict {name: parameter_object}, dict of {name: value or Chaospy distribution}, ...], list of Parameter instances, list [[name, value or Chaospy distribution], ...], list [[name, value, Chaospy distribution or callable that returns a Chaospy distribution],...],} List or dictionary of the parameters that should be created. On the form ``parameters =`` * ``{name_1: parameter_object_1, name: parameter_object_2, ...}`` * ``{name_1: value_1 or Chaospy distribution, name_2: value_2 or Chaospy distribution, ...}`` * ``[parameter_object_1, parameter_object_2, ...]``, * ``[[name_1, value_1 or Chaospy distribution], ...]``. * ``[[name_1, value_1, Chaospy distribution or callable that returns a Chaospy distribution], ...]`` distribution: {None, multivariate Chaospy distribution}, optional A multivariate distribution of all parameters, if it exists, it is used instead of individual distributions. Defaults to None. Attributes ---------- parameters: dict A dictionary of parameters with ``name`` as key and Parameter object as value. distribution: {None, multivariate Chaospy distribution}, optional A multivariate distribution of all parameters, if it exists, it is used instead of individual distributions. Defaults to None. Notes ----- Both parameter values and parameter distributions must be set if uncertainpy.UncertaintyQuantification.quantify is run with single=True, meaning the uncertainty quantification should be performed with only one uncertain parameter at the time. See Also -------- uncertainpy.Parameter """ def __init__(self, parameters={}, distribution=None): self.parameters = collections.OrderedDict() self.distribution = distribution try: # Handle dict if isinstance(parameters, dict): for parameter in parameters: if isinstance(parameters[parameter], Parameter): self.parameters[parameter] = parameters[parameter] else: if isinstance(parameters[parameter], cp.Distribution): self.parameters[parameter] = Parameter(parameter, distribution=parameters[parameter]) else: self.parameters[parameter] = Parameter(parameter, value=parameters[parameter]) else: # Handle lists for parameter in parameters: if isinstance(parameter, Parameter): self.parameters[] = parameter else: if len(parameter) == 2: if isinstance(parameter[1], cp.Distribution): self.parameters[parameter[0]] = Parameter(parameter[0], distribution=parameter[1]) else: self.parameters[parameter[0]] = Parameter(parameter[0], value=parameter[1]) else: self.parameters[parameter[0]] = Parameter(*parameter) except TypeError as error: msg = "Input to parameters is on the wrong format." if not error.args: error.args = ("",) error.args = error.args + (msg,) raise
[docs] def __getitem__(self, name): """ Return Parameter object with `name`. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of parameter. Returns ------- Parameter object The parameter object with `name`. """ return self.parameters[name]
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over the parameter objects. Yields ------ Parameter object A parameter object. """ return iter(self.parameters.values())
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Convert all parameters to a readable string. Returns ------- str A readable string of all parameter objects. """ result = "" for name in self.parameters.keys(): result += str(self.parameters[name]) + "\n" return result.strip()
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Get the number of parameters. Returns ------- int The number of parameters. """ return len(self.parameters)
[docs] def __setitem__(self, name, parameter): """ Set parameter with `name`. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of parameter. parameter: Parameter object The parameter object of `name`. """ if not isinstance(parameter, Parameter): raise ValueError("parameter must be an instance of Parameter") self.parameters[name] = parameter
[docs] def __delitem__(self, name): """ Delete parameter with `name`. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of parameter. """ del self.parameters[name]
[docs] def set_distribution(self, parameter, distribution): """ Set the distribution of a parameter. Parameters ---------- parameter: str Name of parameter. distribution: {None, Chaospy distribution, Function that returns a Chaospy distribution} The distribution of the parameter. """ self.parameters[parameter].distribution = distribution
[docs] def set_all_distributions(self, distribution): """ Set the distribution of all parameters. Parameters ---------- distribution: {None, Chaospy distribution, Function that returns a Chaospy distribution} The distribution of the parameter. """ for parameter in self.parameters: self.parameters[parameter].distribution = distribution
[docs] def get_from_uncertain(self, attribute="name"): """ Return attributes from uncertain parameters. Return a list of attributes (``name``, ``value``, or ``distribution``) from each uncertain parameters (parameters that have a distribution). Parameters ---------- attribute: {"name", "value", "distribution"}, optional The name of the attribute to be returned from each uncertain parameter. Default is `name`. Returns ------- list List containing the `attribute` of each uncertain parameters. """ items = [] for parameter in self.parameters.values(): if parameter.distribution is not None: items.append(getattr(parameter, attribute)) return items
[docs] def get(self, attribute="name", parameter_names=None): """ Return attributes from all parameters. Return a list of attributes (``name``, ``value``, or ``distribution``) from each parameters (parameters that have a distribution). Parameters ---------- attribute: {"name", "value", "distribution"}, optional The name of the attribute to be returned from each uncertain parameter. Default is `name`. parameter_names: {None, list, str}, optional A list of all parameters of which attribute should be returned, or a string for a single parameter. If None, the attribute all parameters are returned. Default is None. Returns ------- list List containing the `attribute` of each parameters. """ if parameter_names is None: parameter_names = self.parameters.keys() if isinstance(parameter_names, six.string_types): parameter_names = [parameter_names] return_parameters = [] for parameter_name in parameter_names: return_parameters.append(self.parameters[parameter_name]) return [getattr(parameter, attribute) for parameter in return_parameters]
[docs] def set_parameters_file(self, filename, parameters): """ Set listed parameters to their value in a parameter file. For each parameter listed in `parameters`, search `filename` for occurrences of ``parameter_name = number`` and replace ``number`` with value of that parameter. Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of file. parameters: list List of parameter names. """ for parameter in parameters: self.parameters[parameter].set_parameter_file(filename, parameters[parameter])
[docs] def reset_parameter_file(self, filename): """ Set all parameters to their value in a parameter file. For all parameters, search `filename` for occurrences of ``parameter_name = number`` and replace ``number`` with value of that parameter. Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of file. """ for parameter in self.parameters: self.parameters[parameter].set_parameter_file(filename, self.parameters[parameter].value)