Source code for uncertainpy.core.uncertainty_calculations

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import six
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import chaospy as cp
import types
from SALib.sample import saltelli
from SALib.analyze.sobol import first_order, total_order

from .run_model import RunModel
from .base import ParameterBase
from ..utils.utility import contains_nan
from ..utils.logger import get_logger

[docs]class UncertaintyCalculations(ParameterBase): """ Perform the calculations for the uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis. This class performs the calculations for the uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis of the model and features. It implements both quasi-Monte Carlo methods and polynomial chaos expansions using either point collocation or pseudo-spectral method. Both of the polynomial chaos expansion methods have support for the rosenblatt transformation to handle dependent variables. Parameters ---------- model : {None, Model or Model subclass instance, model function}, optional Model to perform uncertainty quantification on. For requirements see Default is None. parameters: {dict {name: parameter_object}, dict of {name: value or Chaospy distribution}, ...], list of Parameter instances, list [[name, value or Chaospy distribution], ...], list [[name, value, Chaospy distribution or callable that returns a Chaospy distribution],...],} List or dictionary of the parameters that should be created. On the form ``parameters =`` * ``{name_1: parameter_object_1, name: parameter_object_2, ...}`` * ``{name_1: value_1 or Chaospy distribution, name_2: value_2 or Chaospy distribution, ...}`` * ``[parameter_object_1, parameter_object_2, ...]``, * ``[[name_1, value_1 or Chaospy distribution], ...]``. * ``[[name_1, value_1, Chaospy distribution or callable that returns a Chaospy distribution], ...]`` features : {None, Features or Features subclass instance, list of feature functions}, optional Features to calculate from the model result. If None, no features are calculated. If list of feature functions, all will be calculated. Default is None. create_PCE_custom : callable, optional A custom method for calculating the polynomial chaos approximation. For the requirements of the function see ``UncertaintyCalculations.create_PCE_custom``. Overwrites existing ``create_PCE_custom`` method. Default is None. custom_uncertainty_quantification : callable, optional A custom method for calculating uncertainties. For the requirements of the function see ``UncertaintyCalculations.custom_uncertainty_quantification``. Overwrites existing ``custom_uncertainty_quantification`` method. Default is None. CPUs : {int, None, "max"}, optional The number of CPUs to use when calculating the model and features. If None, no multiprocessing is used. If "max", the maximum number of CPUs on the computer (multiprocess.cpu_count()) is used. Default is "max". logger_level : {"info", "debug", "warning", "error", "critical", None}, optional Set the threshold for the logging level. Logging messages less severe than this level is ignored. If None, no logging to file is performed. Default logger level is "info". Attributes ---------- model : Model or Model subclass The model to perform uncertainty quantification on. parameters : Parameters The uncertain parameters. features : Features or Features subclass The features of the model to perform uncertainty quantification on. runmodel : RunModel Runmodel object responsible for evaluating the model and calculating features. See Also -------- uncertainpy.features.Features uncertainpy.Parameter uncertainpy.Parameters uncertainpy.models.Model uncertainpy.core.RunModel : Requirements for the model run function. """ def __init__(self, model=None, parameters=None, features=None, create_PCE_custom=None, custom_uncertainty_quantification=None, CPUs="max", logger_level="info"): self.runmodel = RunModel(model=model, parameters=parameters, features=features, logger_level=logger_level, CPUs=CPUs) if create_PCE_custom is not None: self.create_PCE_custom = create_PCE_custom if custom_uncertainty_quantification is not None: self.custom_uncertainty_quantification = custom_uncertainty_quantification super(UncertaintyCalculations, self).__init__(parameters=parameters, model=model, features=features, logger_level=logger_level) @ParameterBase.features.setter def features(self, new_features): ParameterBase.features.fset(self, new_features) self.runmodel.features = self.features @ParameterBase.model.setter def model(self, new_model): ParameterBase.model.fset(self, new_model) self.runmodel.model = self.model @ParameterBase.parameters.setter def parameters(self, new_parameters): ParameterBase.parameters.fset(self, new_parameters) self.runmodel.parameters = self.parameters
[docs] def convert_uncertain_parameters(self, uncertain_parameters=None): """ Converts uncertain_parameter(s) to a list of uncertain parameter(s), and checks if it is a legal set of uncertain parameter(s). Parameters ---------- uncertain_parameters : {None, str, list}, optional The name(s) of the uncertain parameters to use. If None, a list of all uncertain parameters are returned. Default is None. Returns ------- uncertain_parameters : list A list with the name of all uncertain parameters. Raises ------ ValueError If a common multivariate distribution is given in Parameters.distribution and not all uncertain parameters are used. See Also -------- uncertainpy.Parameters """ if isinstance(uncertain_parameters, six.string_types): uncertain_parameters = [uncertain_parameters] if self.parameters.distribution is None: if uncertain_parameters is None: uncertain_parameters = self.parameters.get_from_uncertain("name") else: if uncertain_parameters is None: uncertain_parameters = self.parameters.get("name") elif sorted(uncertain_parameters) != sorted(self.parameters.get("name")): raise ValueError("A common multivariate distribution is given, " + "and all uncertain parameters must be used. " + "Set uncertain_parameters to None or a list of all " + "uncertain parameters.") return uncertain_parameters
[docs] def create_distribution(self, uncertain_parameters=None): """ Create a joint multivariate distribution for the selected parameters from univariate distributions. Parameters ---------- uncertain_parameters : {None, str, list}, optional The uncertain parameter(s) to use when creating the joint multivariate distribution. If None, the joint multivariate distribution for all uncertain parameters is created. Default is None. Returns ------- distribution : chaospy.Dist The joint multivariate distribution for the given parameters. Raises ------ ValueError If a common multivariate distribution is given in Parameters.distribution and not all uncertain parameters are used. Notes ----- If a multivariate distribution is defined in the Parameters.distribution, that multivariate distribution is returned. Otherwise the joint multivariate distribution for the selected parameters is created from the univariate distributions. See also -------- uncertainpy.Parameters """ uncertain_parameters = self.convert_uncertain_parameters(uncertain_parameters) if self.parameters.distribution is None: parameter_distributions = self.parameters.get("distribution", uncertain_parameters) distribution = cp.J(*parameter_distributions) else: distribution = self.parameters.distribution return distribution
[docs] def dependent(self, distribution): """ Check if a distribution is dependent or not. Parameters ---------- distribution : chaospy.Dist A Chaospy probability distribution. Returns ------- dependent : bool True if the distribution is dependent, False if is independent. """ # New property added in Chaospy, so the dependent method is # kept for legacy return distribution.stochastic_dependent
[docs] def create_mask(self, evaluations): """ Mask evaluations that do not give results (anything but np.nan or None). Parameters ---------- evaluations : array_like Evaluations for the model. Returns ------- masked_evaluations : list The evaluations that have results (not numpy.nan or None). mask : boolean array The mask itself, used to create the masked arrays. """ masked_evaluations = [] mask = np.ones(len(evaluations), dtype=bool) for i, result in enumerate(evaluations): # if np.any(np.isnan(result)): if contains_nan(result): mask[i] = False else: masked_evaluations.append(result) return masked_evaluations, mask
[docs] def create_masked_evaluations(self, data, feature): """ Mask all model and feature evaluations that do not give results (anything but np.nan) and the corresponding nodes. Parameters ---------- data : Data A Data object with evaluations for the model and each feature. Must contain `data[feature].evaluations`. feature : str Name of the feature or model to mask. Returns ------- masked_evaluations : list The evaluations that have results (not numpy.nan or None). mask : boolean array The mask itself, used to create the masked arrays. """ if feature not in data: raise AttributeError("Error: {} is not a feature".format(feature)) masked_evaluations, mask = self.create_mask(data[feature].evaluations) if not np.all(mask): logger = get_logger(self) logger.warning("{}: only yields ".format(feature) + "results for {}/{} ".format(sum(mask), len(mask)) + "parameter combinations.") return masked_evaluations, mask
[docs] def create_masked_nodes(self, data, feature, nodes): """ Mask all model and feature evaluations that do not give results (anything but np.nan) and the corresponding nodes. Parameters ---------- data : Data A Data object with evaluations for the model and each feature. Must contain `data[feature].evaluations`. feature : str Name of the feature or model to mask. nodes : array_like The nodes used to evaluate the model. Returns ------- masked_evaluations : array_like The evaluations which have results. mask : boolean array The mask itself, used to create the masked arrays. masked_nodes : array_like The nodes that correspond to the evaluations with results. """ masked_evaluations, mask = self.create_masked_evaluations(data, feature) if len(nodes.shape) > 1: masked_nodes = nodes[:, mask] else: masked_nodes = nodes[mask] return masked_evaluations, mask, masked_nodes
[docs] def create_masked_nodes_weights(self, data, feature, nodes, weights): """ Mask all model and feature evaluations that do not give results (anything but numpy.nan) and the corresponding nodes. Parameters ---------- data : Data A Data object with evaluations for the model and each feature. Must contain `data[feature].evaluations`. nodes : array_like The nodes used to evaluate the model. feature : str Name of the feature or model to mask. weights : array_like Weights corresponding to each node. Returns ------- masked_evaluations : array_like The evaluations which have results. mask : boolean array The mask itself, used to create the masked arrays. masked_nodes : array_like The nodes that correspond to the evaluations with results. masked_weights : array_like Masked weights that correspond to evaluations with results. """ masked_evaluations, mask, masked_nodes = self.create_masked_nodes(data, feature, nodes) if len(weights.shape) > 1: masked_weights = weights[:, mask] else: masked_weights = weights[mask] return masked_evaluations, mask, masked_nodes, masked_weights
[docs] def create_PCE_spectral(self, uncertain_parameters=None, polynomial_order=4, quadrature_order=None, allow_incomplete=True): """ Create the polynomial approximation `U_hat` using pseudo-spectral projection. Parameters ---------- uncertain_parameters : {None, str, list}, optional The uncertain parameter(s) to use when creating the polynomial approximation. If None, all uncertain parameters are used. Default is None. polynomial_order : int, optional The polynomial order of the polynomial approximation. Default is 4. quadrature_order : {int, None}, optional The order of the Leja quadrature method. If None, ``quadrature_order = polynomial_order + 2``. Default is None. allow_incomplete : bool, optional If the polynomial approximation should be performed for features or models with incomplete evaluations. Default is True. Returns ------- U_hat : dict A dictionary containing the polynomial approximations for the model and each feature as chaospy.Poly objects. distribution : chaospy.Dist The multivariate distribution for the uncertain parameters. data : Data A data object containing the values from the model evaluation and feature calculations. Raises ------ ValueError If a common multivariate distribution is given in Parameters.distribution and not all uncertain parameters are used. Notes ----- The returned `data` should contain (but not necessarily) the following: 1. ``data["model/features"].evaluations`` 2. ``data["model/features"].time`` 3. ``data["model/features"].labels`` 4. ``data.model_name`` 5. ``data.incomplete`` 6. ``data.method`` 7. ``data.errored`` The model and feature do not necessarily give results for each node. The pseudo-spectral methods is sensitive to missing values, so `allow_incomplete` should be used with care. The polynomial chaos expansion method for uncertainty quantification approximates the model with a polynomial that follows specific requirements. This polynomial can be used to quickly calculate the uncertainty and sensitivity of the model. To create the polynomial chaos expansion we first find the polynomials using the three-therm recurrence relation if available, otherwise the discretized Stieltjes method is used. Then we use the pseudo-spectral projection to find the expansion coefficients for the model and each feature of the model. Pseudo-spectral projection is based on least squares minimization and finds the expansion coefficients through numerical integration. The integration uses a quadrature scheme with weights and nodes. We use Leja quadrature with Smolyak sparse grids to reduce the number of nodes required. For each of the nodes we evaluate the model and calculate the features, and the polynomial approximation is created from these results. See also -------- uncertainpy.Data uncertainpy.Parameters """ uncertain_parameters = self.convert_uncertain_parameters(uncertain_parameters) distribution = self.create_distribution(uncertain_parameters=uncertain_parameters) P = cp.orth_ttr(polynomial_order, distribution) if quadrature_order is None: quadrature_order = polynomial_order + 2 nodes, weights = cp.generate_quadrature(quadrature_order, distribution, rule="J", sparse=True) # Running the model data =, uncertain_parameters) data.method = "polynomial chaos expansion with the pseudo-spectral method. polynomial_order={}, quadrature_order={}".format(polynomial_order, quadrature_order) logger = get_logger(self) U_hat = {} # Calculate PC for each feature for feature in tqdm(data, desc="Calculating PC for each feature", total=len(data)): if feature == and self.model.ignore: continue masked_evaluations, mask, masked_nodes, masked_weights = \ self.create_masked_nodes_weights(data, feature, nodes, weights) if (np.all(mask) or allow_incomplete) and sum(mask) > 0: U_hat[feature] = cp.fit_quadrature(P, masked_nodes, masked_weights, masked_evaluations) elif not allow_incomplete: logger.warning("{}: not all parameter combinations give results.".format(feature) + " No uncertainty quantification is performed since allow_incomplete=False") else: logger.warning("{}: not all parameter combinations give results.".format(feature)) if not np.all(mask): data.incomplete.append(feature) return U_hat, distribution, data
[docs] def create_PCE_collocation(self, uncertain_parameters=None, polynomial_order=4, nr_collocation_nodes=None, allow_incomplete=True): """ Create the polynomial approximation `U_hat` using pseudo-spectral projection. Parameters ---------- uncertain_parameters : {None, str, list}, optional The uncertain parameter(s) to use when creating the polynomial approximation. If None, all uncertain parameters are used. Default is None. polynomial_order : int, optional The polynomial order of the polynomial approximation. Default is 4. nr_collocation_nodes : {int, None}, optional The number of collocation nodes to choose. If None, `nr_collocation_nodes` = 2* number of expansion factors + 2. Default is None. allow_incomplete : bool, optional If the polynomial approximation should be performed for features or models with incomplete evaluations. Default is True. Returns ------- U_hat : dict A dictionary containing the polynomial approximations for the model and each feature as chaospy.Poly objects. distribution : chaospy.Dist The multivariate distribution for the uncertain parameters. data : Data A data object containing the values from the model evaluation and feature calculations. Raises ------ ValueError If a common multivariate distribution is given in Parameters.distribution and not all uncertain parameters are used. Notes ----- The returned `data` should contain (but not necessarily) the following: 1. ``data["model/features"].evaluations`` 2. ``data["model/features"].time`` 3. ``data["model/features"].labels`` 4. ``data.model_name`` 5. ``data.incomplete`` 6. ``data.method`` 7. ``data.errored`` The model and feature do not necessarily give results for each node. The collocation method is robust towards missing values as long as the number of results that remain is high enough. The polynomial chaos expansion method for uncertainty quantification approximates the model with a polynomial that follows specific requirements. This polynomial can be used to quickly calculate the uncertainty and sensitivity of the model. To create the polynomial chaos expansion we first find the polynomials using the three-therm recurrence relation if available, otherwise the discretized Stieltjes method is used. Then we use point collocation to find the expansion coefficients for the model and each feature of the model. In point collocation we require the polynomial approximation to be equal the model at a set of collocation nodes. This results in a set of linear equations for the polynomial coefficients we can solve. We choose `nr_collocation_nodes` collocation nodes with Hammersley sampling from the `distribution`. We evaluate the model and each feature in parallel, and solve the resulting set of linear equations with Tikhonov regularization. See also -------- uncertainpy.Data uncertainpy.Parameters """ uncertain_parameters = self.convert_uncertain_parameters(uncertain_parameters) distribution = self.create_distribution(uncertain_parameters=uncertain_parameters) P = cp.orth_ttr(polynomial_order, distribution) if nr_collocation_nodes is None: nr_collocation_nodes = 2*len(P) + 2 nodes = distribution.sample(nr_collocation_nodes, "M") # Running the model data =, uncertain_parameters) data.method = "polynomial chaos expansion with point collocation. polynomial_order={}, nr_collocation_nodes={}".format(polynomial_order, nr_collocation_nodes) logger = get_logger(self) U_hat = {} # Calculate PC for each feature for feature in tqdm(data, desc="Calculating PC for each feature", total=len(data)): if feature == and self.model.ignore: continue masked_evaluations, mask, masked_nodes = self.create_masked_nodes(data, feature, nodes) if (np.all(mask) or allow_incomplete) and sum(mask) > 0: U_hat[feature] = cp.fit_regression(P, masked_nodes, masked_evaluations) elif not allow_incomplete: logger.warning("{}: not all parameter combinations give results.".format(feature) + " No uncertainty quantification is performed since allow_incomplete=False") else: logger.warning("{}: not all parameter combinations give results.".format(feature)) if not np.all(mask): data.incomplete.append(feature) return U_hat, distribution, data
[docs] def create_PCE_spectral_rosenblatt(self, uncertain_parameters=None, polynomial_order=4, quadrature_order=None, allow_incomplete=True): """ Create the polynomial approximation `U_hat` using pseudo-spectral projection and the Rosenblatt transformation. Works for dependend uncertain parameters. Parameters ---------- uncertain_parameters : {None, str, list}, optional The uncertain parameter(s) to use when creating the polynomial approximation. If None, all uncertain parameters are used. Default is None. polynomial_order : int, optional The polynomial order of the polynomial approximation. Default is 4. quadrature_order : {int, None}, optional The order of the Leja quadrature method. If None, ``quadrature_order = polynomial_order + 2``. Default is None. allow_incomplete : bool, optional If the polynomial approximation should be performed for features or models with incomplete evaluations. Default is True. Returns ------- U_hat : dict A dictionary containing the polynomial approximations for the model and each feature as chaospy.Poly objects. distribution : chaospy.Dist The multivariate distribution for the uncertain parameters. data : Data A data object containing the values from the model evaluation and feature calculations. Raises ------ ValueError If a common multivariate distribution is given in Parameters.distribution and not all uncertain parameters are used. Notes ----- `data` should contain (but not necessarily) the following, if applicable: 1. ``data["model/features"].evaluations`` 2. ``data["model/features"].time`` 3. ``data["model/features"].labels`` 4. ``data.model_name`` 5. ``data.incomplete`` 6. ``data.method`` 7. ``data.errored`` The model and feature do not necessarily give results for each node. The pseudo-spectral methods is sensitive to missing values, so `allow_incomplete` should be used with care. The polynomial chaos expansion method for uncertainty quantification approximates the model with a polynomial that follows specific requirements. This polynomial can be used to quickly calculate the uncertainty and sensitivity of the model. We use the Rosenblatt transformation to transform from dependent to independent variables before we create the polynomial chaos expansion. We first find the polynomials from the independent distributions using the three-therm recurrence relation if available, otherwise the discretized Stieltjes method is used. Then we use the pseudo-spectral projection with the Rosenblatt transformation to find the expansion coefficients for the model and each feature of the model. Pseudo-spectral projection is based on least squares minimization and finds the expansion coefficients through numerical integration. The integration uses a quadrature scheme with weights and nodes. We use Leja quadrature with Smolyak sparse grids to reduce the number of nodes required. We use the Rosenblatt transformation to transform the quadrature nodes before they are sent to the model evaluation. For each of the nodes we evaluate the model and calculate the features, and the polynomial approximation is created from these results. See also -------- uncertainpy.Data uncertainpy.Parameters """ uncertain_parameters = self.convert_uncertain_parameters(uncertain_parameters) distribution = self.create_distribution(uncertain_parameters=uncertain_parameters) # Create the Multivariate normal distribution dist_R = [] for parameter in uncertain_parameters: dist_R.append(cp.Normal()) dist_R = cp.J(*dist_R) P = cp.orth_ttr(polynomial_order, dist_R) if quadrature_order is None: quadrature_order = polynomial_order + 2 nodes_R, weights_R = cp.generate_quadrature(quadrature_order, dist_R, rule="J", sparse=True) nodes = distribution.inv(dist_R.fwd(nodes_R)) # weights = weights_R*distribution.pdf(nodes)/dist_R.pdf(nodes_R) # Running the model data =, uncertain_parameters) data.method = "polynomial chaos expansion with the pseudo-spectral method and the Rosenblatt transformation. polynomial_order={}, quadrature_order={}".format(polynomial_order, quadrature_order) logger = get_logger(self) U_hat = {} # Calculate PC for each feature for feature in tqdm(data, desc="Calculating PC for each feature", total=len(data)): if feature == and self.model.ignore: continue # The tutorial version # masked_nodes, masked_values, mask, masked_weights = self.create_mask(data, # nodes_R, # feature, # weights) # The version thats seems to be working masked_evaluations, mask, masked_nodes, masked_weights = \ self.create_masked_nodes_weights(data, feature, nodes_R, weights_R) if (np.all(mask) or allow_incomplete) and sum(mask) > 0: U_hat[feature] = cp.fit_quadrature(P, masked_nodes, masked_weights, masked_evaluations) elif not allow_incomplete: logger.warning("{}: not all parameter combinations give results.".format(feature) + " No uncertainty quantification is performed since allow_incomplete=False") else: logger.warning("{}: not all parameter combinations give results.".format(feature)) if not np.all(mask): data.incomplete.append(feature) return U_hat, dist_R, data
[docs] def create_PCE_collocation_rosenblatt(self, uncertain_parameters=None, polynomial_order=4, nr_collocation_nodes=None, allow_incomplete=True): """ Create the polynomial approximation `U_hat` using pseudo-spectral projection and the Rosenblatt transformation. Works for dependend uncertain parameters. Parameters ---------- uncertain_parameters : {None, str, list}, optional The uncertain parameter(s) to use when creating the polynomial approximation. If None, all uncertain parameters are used. Default is None. polynomial_order : int, optional The polynomial order of the polynomial approximation. Default is 4. nr_collocation_nodes : {int, None}, optional The number of collocation nodes to choose. If None, `nr_collocation_nodes` = 2* number of expansion factors + 2. Default is None. allow_incomplete : bool, optional If the polynomial approximation should be performed for features or models with incomplete evaluations. Default is True. Returns ------- U_hat : dict A dictionary containing the polynomial approximations for the model and each feature as chaospy.Poly objects. distribution : chaospy.Dist The multivariate distribution for the uncertain parameters. data : Data A data object containing the values from the model evaluation and feature calculations. Raises ------ ValueError If a common multivariate distribution is given in Parameters.distribution and not all uncertain parameters are used. Notes ----- The returned `data` should contain (but not necessarily) the following: 1. ``data["model/features"].evaluations`` 2. ``data["model/features"].time`` 3. ``data["model/features"].labels`` 4. ``data.model_name`` 5. ``data.incomplete`` 6. ``data.method`` The model and feature do not necessarily give results for each node. The collocation method is robust towards missing values as long as the number of results that remain is high enough. The polynomial chaos expansion method for uncertainty quantification approximates the model with a polynomial that follows specific requirements. This polynomial can be used to quickly calculate the uncertainty and sensitivity of the model. We use the Rosenblatt transformation to transform from dependent to independent variables before we create the polynomial chaos expansion. We first find the polynomials from the independent distributions using the three-therm recurrence relation if available, otherwise the discretized Stieltjes method is used. Then we use the point collocation with the Rosenblatt transformation to find the expansion coefficients for the model and each feature of the model. In point collocation we require the polynomial approximation to be equal the model at a set of collocation nodes. This results in a set of linear equations for the polynomial coefficients we can solve. We choose `nr_collocation_nodes` collocation nodes with Hammersley sampling from the independent distribution. We then transform the nodes using the Rosenblatte transformation and evaluate the model and each feature in parallel. We solve the resulting set of linear equations with Tikhonov regularization. See also -------- uncertainpy.Data uncertainpy.Parameters """ uncertain_parameters = self.convert_uncertain_parameters(uncertain_parameters) distribution = self.create_distribution(uncertain_parameters=uncertain_parameters) # Create the Multivariate normal distribution # dist_R = cp.Iid(cp.Normal(), len(uncertain_parameters)) dist_R = [] for parameter in uncertain_parameters: dist_R.append(cp.Normal()) dist_R = cp.J(*dist_R) P = cp.orth_ttr(polynomial_order, dist_R) if nr_collocation_nodes is None: nr_collocation_nodes = 2*len(P) + 2 nodes_R = dist_R.sample(nr_collocation_nodes, "M") nodes = distribution.inv(dist_R.fwd(nodes_R)) # Running the model data =, uncertain_parameters) data.method = "polynomial chaos expansion with point collocation and the Rosenblatt transformation. polynomial_order={}, nr_collocation_nodes={}".format(polynomial_order, nr_collocation_nodes) logger = get_logger(self) U_hat = {} # Calculate PC for each feature for feature in tqdm(data, desc="Calculating PC for each feature", total=len(data)): if feature == and self.model.ignore: continue masked_evaluations, mask, masked_nodes = self.create_masked_nodes(data, feature, nodes_R) if (np.all(mask) or allow_incomplete) and sum(mask) > 0: U_hat[feature] = cp.fit_regression(P, masked_nodes, masked_evaluations) elif not allow_incomplete: logger.warning("{}: not all parameter combinations give results.".format(feature) + " No uncertainty quantification is performed since allow_incomplete=False") else: logger.warning("{}: not all parameter combinations give results.".format(feature)) if not np.all(mask): data.incomplete.append(feature) return U_hat, dist_R, data
[docs] def analyse_PCE(self, U_hat, distribution, data, nr_samples=10**4): """ Calculate the statistical metrics from the polynomial chaos approximation. Parameters ---------- U_hat : dict A dictionary containing the polynomial approximations for the model and each feature as chaospy.Poly objects. distribution : chaospy.Dist The multivariate distribution for the uncertain parameters. data : Data A data object containing the values from the model evaluation and feature calculations. nr_samples : int, optional Number of samples for the Monte Carlo sampling of the polynomial chaos approximation. Default is 10**4. Returns ------- data : Data The `data` parameter given as input with the statistical metrics added. Notes ----- The `data` parameter should contain (but not necessarily) the following: 1. ``data["model/features"].evaluations`` 2. ``data["model/features"].time`` 3. ``data["model/features"].labels`` 4. ``data.model_name`` 5. ``data.incomplete`` 6. ``data.method`` 7. ``data.errored`` When returned `data` additionally contains: 8. ``data["model/features"].mean`` 9. ``data["model/features"].variance`` 10. ``data["model/features"].percentile_5`` 11. ``data["model/features"].percentile_95`` 12. ``data["model/features"].sobol_first``, if more than 1 parameter 13. ``data["model/features"].sobol_total``, if more than 1 parameter 14. ``data["model/features"].sobol_first_average``, if more than 1 parameter 15. ``data["model/features"].sobol_total_average``, if more than 1 parameter See also -------- uncertainpy.Data """ if len(data.uncertain_parameters) == 1: logger = get_logger(self)"Only 1 uncertain parameter. Sensitivities are not calculated") U_mc = {} for feature in tqdm(data, desc="Calculating statistics from PCE", total=len(data)): if feature in U_hat: data[feature].mean = cp.E(U_hat[feature], distribution) data[feature].variance = cp.Var(U_hat[feature], distribution) samples = distribution.sample(nr_samples, "M") if len(data.uncertain_parameters) > 1: U_mc[feature] = U_hat[feature](*samples) data[feature].sobol_first = cp.Sens_m(U_hat[feature], distribution) data[feature].sobol_total = cp.Sens_t(U_hat[feature], distribution) data = self.average_sensitivity(data, sensitivity="sobol_first") data = self.average_sensitivity(data, sensitivity="sobol_total") else: U_mc[feature] = U_hat[feature](samples) data[feature].percentile_5 = np.percentile(U_mc[feature], 5, -1) data[feature].percentile_95 = np.percentile(U_mc[feature], 95, -1) return data
@property def create_PCE_custom(self, uncertain_parameters=None, **kwargs): """ A custom method for calculating the polynomial chaos approximation. Must follow the below requirements. Parameters ---------- self : UncertaintyCalculation An explicit self is required as the first argument. self can be used inside the custom function. uncertain_parameters : {None, str, list}, optional The uncertain parameter(s) to use when creating the polynomial approximation. If None, all uncertain parameters are used. Default is None. **kwargs Any number of optional arguments. Returns ------- U_hat : dict A dictionary containing the polynomial approximations for the model and each feature as chaospy.Poly objects. distribution : chaospy.Dist The multivariate distribution for the uncertain parameters. data : Data A data object containing the values from the model evaluation and feature calculations. Raises ------ ValueError If a common multivariate distribution is given in Parameters.distribution and not all uncertain parameters are used. Notes ----- This method can be implemented to create a custom method to calculate the polynomial chaos expansion. The method must calculate and return the return arguments described above. The returned `data` should contain (but not necessarily) the following: 1. ``data["model/features"].evaluations`` 2. ``data["model/features"].time`` 3. ``data["model/features"].labels`` 4. ``data.model_name`` 5. ``data.incomplete`` 6. ``data.method`` The method `analyse_PCE` is called after the polynomial approximation has been created. Usefull methods in Uncertainpy are: 1. uncertainpy.core.Uncertaintycalculations.convert_uncertain_parameters 2. uncertainpy.core.Uncertaintycalculations.create_distribution 3. See also -------- uncertainpy.Data uncertainpy.Parameters uncertainpy.core.Uncertaintycalculations.convert_uncertain_parameters : Converts uncertain parameters to allowed list uncertainpy.core.Uncertaintycalculations.create_distribution : Creates the uncertain parameter distribution : Runs the model """ return self._create_PCE_custom @create_PCE_custom.setter def create_PCE_custom(self, new_create_PCE_custom): if not callable(new_create_PCE_custom): raise TypeError("create_PCE_custom function must be callable") self._create_PCE_custom = types.MethodType(new_create_PCE_custom, self) # self._create_PCE_custom = new_create_PCE_custom def _create_PCE_custom(self, uncertain_parameters=None, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("No custom Polynomial Chaos expansion method implemented") @property def custom_uncertainty_quantification(self, **kwargs): """ A custom uncertainty quantification method. Must follow the below requirements. Parameters ---------- self : UncertaintyCalculation An explicit self is required as the first argument. self can be used inside the custom function. **kwargs Any number of optional arguments. Returns ------- data : Data A Data object with calculated uncertainties. Notes ----- Usefull methods in Uncertainpy are: 1. uncertainpy.core.Uncertaintycalculations.convert_uncertain_parameters - Converts uncertain parameters to an allowed list. 2. uncertainpy.core.Uncertaintycalculations.create_distribution - Creates the uncertain parameter distribution 3. - Runs the model and all features. See also -------- uncertainpy.Data uncertainpy.core.Uncertaintycalculations.convert_uncertain_parameters : Converts uncertain parameters to list uncertainpy.core.Uncertaintycalculations.create_distribution : Create uncertain parameter distribution : Runs the model """ return self._custom_uncertainty_quantification @custom_uncertainty_quantification.setter def custom_uncertainty_quantification(self, new_custom_uncertainty_quantification): if not callable(new_custom_uncertainty_quantification): raise TypeError("custom_uncertainty_quantification function must be callable") self._custom_uncertainty_quantification = types.MethodType(new_custom_uncertainty_quantification, self) # self._custom_uncertainty_quantification = new_custom_uncertainty_quantification def _custom_uncertainty_quantification(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("No custom uncertainty calculation method implemented")
[docs] def polynomial_chaos(self, method="collocation", rosenblatt="auto", uncertain_parameters=None, polynomial_order=4, nr_collocation_nodes=None, quadrature_order=None, nr_pc_mc_samples=10**4, allow_incomplete=True, seed=None, **custom_kwargs): """ Perform an uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis using polynomial chaos expansions. Parameters ---------- method : {"collocation", "spectral", "custom"}, optional The method to use when creating the polynomial chaos approximation. "collocation" is the point collocation method "spectral" is pseudo-spectral projection, and "custom" is the custom polynomial method. Default is "collocation". rosenblatt : {"auto", bool}, optional If the Rosenblatt transformation should be used. The Rosenblatt transformation must be used if the uncertain parameters have dependent variables. If "auto" the Rosenblatt transformation is used if there are dependent parameters, and it is not used of the parameters have independent distributions. Default is "auto". uncertain_parameters : {None, str, list}, optional The uncertain parameter(s) to use when creating the polynomial approximation. If None, all uncertain parameters are used. Default is None. polynomial_order : int, optional The polynomial order of the polynomial approximation. Default is 4. nr_collocation_nodes : {int, None}, optional The number of collocation nodes to choose, if point collocation is used. If None, `nr_collocation_nodes` = 2* number of expansion factors + 2. Default is None. quadrature_order : {int, None}, optional The order of the Leja quadrature method, if pseudo-spectral projection is used. If None, ``quadrature_order = polynomial_order + 2``. Default is None. nr_pc_mc_samples : int, optional Number of samples for the Monte Carlo sampling of the polynomial chaos approximation. allow_incomplete : bool, optional If the polynomial approximation should be performed for features or models with incomplete evaluations. Default is True. seed : int, optional Set a random seed. If None, no seed is set. Default is None. Returns ------- data : Data A data object with all model and feature values, as well as all calculated statistical metrics. Raises ------ ValueError If a common multivariate distribution is given in Parameters.distribution and not all uncertain parameters are used. ValueError If `method` not one of "collocation", "spectral" or "custom". NotImplementedError If "custom" is chosen and have not been implemented. Notes ----- The returned `data` should contain the following: 1. ``data["model/features"].evaluations`` 2. ``data["model/features"].time`` 3. ``data["model/features"].labels`` 4. ``data.model_name`` 5. ``data.incomplete`` 6. ``data.method`` 7. ``data.errored`` 8. ``data["model/features"].mean`` 9. ``data["model/features"].variance`` 10. ``data["model/features"].percentile_5`` 11. ``data["model/features"].percentile_95`` 12. ``data["model/features"].sobol_first``, if more than 1 parameter 13. ``data["model/features"].sobol_total``, if more than 1 parameter 14. ``data["model/features"].sobol_first_average``, if more than 1 parameter 15. ``data["model/features"].sobol_total_average``, if more than 1 parameter The model and feature do not necessarily give results for each node. The collocation method is robust towards missing values as long as the number of results that remain is high enough. The pseudo-spectral method on the other hand, is sensitive to missing values, so `allow_incomplete` should be used with care in that case. The polynomial chaos expansion method for uncertainty quantification approximates the model with a polynomial that follows specific requirements. This polynomial can be used to quickly calculate the uncertainty and sensitivity of the model. To create the polynomial chaos expansion we first find the polynomials using the three-therm recurrence relation if available, otherwise the discretized Stieltjes method is used. Then we use point collocation or pseudo-spectral projection to find the expansion coefficients for the model and each feature of the model. In point collocation we require the polynomial approximation to be equal the model at a set of collocation nodes. This results in a set of linear equations for the polynomial coefficients we can solve. We choose `nr_collocation_nodes` collocation nodes with Hammersley sampling from the `distribution`. We evaluate the model and each feature in parallel, and solve the resulting set of linear equations with Tikhonov regularization. Pseudo-spectral projection is based on least squares minimization and finds the expansion coefficients through numerical integration. The integration uses a quadrature scheme with weights and nodes. We use Leja quadrature with Smolyak sparse grids to reduce the number of nodes required. For each of the nodes we evaluate the model and calculate the features, and the polynomial approximation is created from these results. If we have dependent uncertain parameters we must use the Rosenblatt transformation. We use the Rosenblatt transformation to transform from dependent to independent variables before we create the polynomial chaos expansion. We first find the polynomials from the independent distributions using the three-term recurrence relation if available, otherwise the discretized Stieltjes method is used Both pseudo-spectral projection and point collocation is performed using the independent distribution, the only difference is that we use the Rosenblatt transformation to transform the nodes from the independent distribution to the dependent distribution. See also -------- uncertainpy.Data uncertainpy.Parameters """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) uncertain_parameters = self.convert_uncertain_parameters(uncertain_parameters) distribution = self.create_distribution(uncertain_parameters=uncertain_parameters) if rosenblatt == "auto": if self.dependent(distribution): rosenblatt = True else: rosenblatt = False elif rosenblatt == False: if self.dependent(distribution): raise ValueError('Dependent parameters require using the Rosenblatt transformation. Set rosenblatt="auto" or rosenblatt=True') if method == "collocation": if rosenblatt: U_hat, distribution, data = \ self.create_PCE_collocation_rosenblatt(uncertain_parameters=uncertain_parameters, polynomial_order=polynomial_order, nr_collocation_nodes=nr_collocation_nodes, allow_incomplete=allow_incomplete) else: U_hat, distribution, data = \ self.create_PCE_collocation(uncertain_parameters=uncertain_parameters, polynomial_order=polynomial_order, nr_collocation_nodes=nr_collocation_nodes, allow_incomplete=allow_incomplete) elif method == "spectral": if rosenblatt: U_hat, distribution, data = \ self.create_PCE_spectral_rosenblatt(uncertain_parameters=uncertain_parameters, polynomial_order=polynomial_order, quadrature_order=quadrature_order, allow_incomplete=allow_incomplete) else: U_hat, distribution, data = \ self.create_PCE_spectral(uncertain_parameters=uncertain_parameters, polynomial_order=polynomial_order, quadrature_order=quadrature_order, allow_incomplete=allow_incomplete) elif method == "custom": U_hat, distribution, data = \ self.create_PCE_custom(uncertain_parameters, **custom_kwargs) # TODO add support for more methods here by using # try: # getattr(self, method) # except AttributeError: # raise NotImplementedError("{} not implemented".format{method}) else: raise ValueError("No polynomial chaos method with name {}".format(method)) data = self.analyse_PCE(U_hat, distribution, data, nr_samples=nr_pc_mc_samples) data.seed = seed return data
[docs] def monte_carlo(self, uncertain_parameters=None, nr_samples=10**4, seed=None, allow_incomplete=True): """ Perform an uncertainty quantification using the quasi-Monte Carlo method. Parameters ---------- uncertain_parameters : {None, str, list}, optional The uncertain parameter(s) to use when creating the polynomial approximation. If None, all uncertain parameters are used. Default is None. nr_samples : int, optional Number of samples for the quasi-Monte Carlo sampling. Default is 10**4. seed : int, optional Set a random seed. If None, no seed is set. Default is None. allow_incomplete : bool, optional If the uncertainty quantification should be performed for features or models with incomplete evaluations. Default is True. Returns ------- data : Data A data object with all model and feature evaluations, as well as all calculated statistical metrics. Raises ------ ValueError If a common multivariate distribution is given in Parameters.distribution and not all uncertain parameters are used. Notes ----- The returned `data` should contain the following: 1. ``data["model/features"].evaluations`` 2. ``data["model/features"].time`` 3. ``data["model/features"].labels`` 4. ``data.model_name`` 5. ``data.incomplete`` 6. ``data.method`` 7. ``data.errored`` 8. ``data["model/features"].mean`` 9. ``data["model/features"].variance`` 10. ``data["model/features"].percentile_5`` 11. ``data["model/features"].percentile_95`` 12. ``data["model/features"].sobol_first``, if more than 1 parameter 13. ``data["model/features"].sobol_total``, if more than 1 parameter 14. ``data["model/features"].sobol_first_average``, if more than 1 parameter 15. ``data["model/features"].sobol_total_average``, if more than 1 parameter In the quasi-Monte Carlo method we quasi-randomly draw ``(nr_samples/2)*(nr_uncertain_parameters + 2)`` (nr_samples=10**4 by default) parameter samples using Saltelli's sampling scheme ([1]_). We require this number of samples to be able to calculate the Sobol indices. We evaluate the model for each of these parameter samples and calculate the features from each of the model results. This step is performed in parallel to speed up the calculations. Then we use nr_samples` of the model and feature results to calculate the mean, variance, and 5th and 95th percentile for the model and each feature. Lastly, we use all calculated model and each feature results to calculate the Sobol indices using Saltellie's approach. References ---------- .. [1] Saltelli, A., P. Annoni, I. Azzini, F. Campolongo, M. Ratto, and S. Tarantola (2010). "Variance based sensitivity analysis of model output. Design and estimator for the total sensitivity index." Computer Physics Communications, 181(2):259-270, doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2009.09.018. See also -------- uncertainpy.Data uncertainpy.Parameters """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) uncertain_parameters = self.convert_uncertain_parameters(uncertain_parameters) distribution = self.create_distribution(uncertain_parameters=uncertain_parameters) # nodes = distribution.sample(nr_samples, "M") problem = { "num_vars": len(uncertain_parameters), "names": uncertain_parameters, "bounds": [[0,1]]*len(uncertain_parameters) } # Create the Multivariate normal distribution dist_R = [] for parameter in uncertain_parameters: dist_R.append(cp.Uniform()) dist_R = cp.J(*dist_R) nr_sobol_samples = int(np.round(nr_samples/2.)) nodes_R = saltelli.sample(problem, nr_sobol_samples, calc_second_order=False) nodes = distribution.inv(dist_R.fwd(nodes_R.transpose())) data =, uncertain_parameters) data.method = "monte carlo method. nr_samples={}".format(nr_samples) data.seed = seed logger = get_logger(self) for feature in data: if feature == and self.model.ignore: continue # Only use A to calculate the mean and variance A, B, AB = self.separate_output_values(data[feature].evaluations, len(uncertain_parameters), nr_sobol_samples) independent_evaluations = np.concatenate([A, B]) masked_evaluations, mask = self.create_mask(independent_evaluations) logger = get_logger(self) if (np.all(mask) or allow_incomplete) and sum(mask) > 0: data[feature].mean = np.mean(masked_evaluations, 0) data[feature].variance = np.var(masked_evaluations, 0) data[feature].percentile_5 = np.percentile(masked_evaluations, 5, 0) data[feature].percentile_95 = np.percentile(masked_evaluations, 95, 0) if len(data.uncertain_parameters) > 1: # Results cannot be removed when calculating the sensitivity. # Instead NaN results are set to the mean. # see _, mask = self.create_mask(data[feature].evaluations) masked_mean_evaluations = data[feature].evaluations # masked_mean_evaluations[~mask] = data[feature].mean indices = np.where(mask == 0)[0] for i in indices: masked_mean_evaluations[i] = data[feature].mean if not np.all(mask): logger.warning("{}: only yields ".format(feature) + "results for {}/{} ".format(sum(mask), len(mask)) + "parameter combinations." + "numpy.nan results are set to the mean when calculating the Sobol indices. " + "This might affect the Sobol indices.") sobol_first, sobol_total = self.mc_calculate_sobol(masked_mean_evaluations, len(uncertain_parameters), nr_sobol_samples) data[feature].sobol_first = sobol_first data[feature].sobol_total = sobol_total data = self.average_sensitivity(data, sensitivity="sobol_first") data = self.average_sensitivity(data, sensitivity="sobol_total") elif not allow_incomplete: logger.warning("{}: not all parameter combinations give results.".format(feature) + " No uncertainty quantification is performed since allow_incomplete=False") else: logger.warning("{}: not all parameter combinations give results.".format(feature)) if not np.all(mask): data.incomplete.append(feature) return data
[docs] def separate_output_values(self, evaluations, nr_uncertain_parameters, nr_samples): """ Notes ----- Separate the output from the model evaluations, evaluated for the samples created by SALIB.sample.saltelli. Parameters ---------- evaluations : array_like The model evaluations, evaluated for the samples created by SALIB.sample.saltelli. nr_uncertain_parameters : int Number of uncertain parameters. nr_samples : int Number of samples used in the Monte Carlo sampling. Returns ---------- A : array_like The A sample matrix from saltellie et. al. 2010. B : array_like The B sample matrix from saltellie et. al. 2010. AB : array_like The AB sample matrix from saltellie et. al. 2010. Notes ----- Adapted from SALib/analyze/ """ evaluations = np.array(evaluations) shape = (nr_samples, nr_uncertain_parameters) + evaluations[0].shape step = nr_uncertain_parameters + 2 AB = np.zeros(shape) A = evaluations[0:evaluations.shape[0]:step] B = evaluations[(step - 1):evaluations.shape[0]:step] for i in range(nr_uncertain_parameters): AB[:, i] = evaluations[(i + 1):evaluations.shape[0]:step] return A, B, AB
[docs] def mc_calculate_sobol(self, evaluations, nr_uncertain_parameters, nr_samples): """ Calculate the Sobol indices. Parameters ---------- evaluations : array_like The model evaluations, evaluated for the samples created by SALIB.sample.saltelli. nr_uncertain_parameters : int Number of uncertain parameters. nr_samples : int Number of samples used in the Monte Carlo sampling. Returns ---------- sobol_first : list The first order Sobol indices for each uncertain parameter. sobol_total : list The total order Sobol indices for each uncertain parameter. """ sobol_first = [0]*nr_uncertain_parameters sobol_total = [0]*nr_uncertain_parameters A, B, AB = self.separate_output_values(evaluations, nr_uncertain_parameters, nr_samples) for i in range(nr_uncertain_parameters): sobol_first[i] = first_order(A, AB[:, i], B) sobol_total[i] = total_order(A, AB[:, i], B) return sobol_first, sobol_total
[docs] def average_sensitivity(self, data, sensitivity="sobol_first"): """ Calculate the average of the sensitivities for the model and all features and add them to `data`. Ignores any occurrences of numpy.NaN. Parameters ---------- data : Data A data object with all model and feature evaluations, as well as all calculated statistical metrics. sensitivity : {"sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total"}, optional The sensitivity to normalize and sum. "sobol_first" and "1" are for the first order Sobol indice while "sobol_total" and "t" is for the total order Sobol indices. Default is "sobol_first". Returns ---------- data : Data The `data` object with the average of the sensitivities for the model and all features added. See also -------- uncertainpy.Data """ if sensitivity not in ["sobol_first", "first", "sobol_total", "total"]: raise ValueError("Sensitivity must be either: sobol_first, first, sobol_total, total, not {}".format(sensitivity)) if sensitivity == "first": sensitivity = "sobol_first" elif sensitivity == "total": sensitivity = "sobol_total" for feature in data: if sensitivity in data[feature]: total_sense = [] for i in range(0, len(data.uncertain_parameters)): total_sense.append(np.nanmean(data[feature][sensitivity][i])) data[feature][sensitivity + "_average"] = np.array(total_sense) return data